What is Uprush geography?

(ŭp′rŭsh′) The rush of water from a breaking wave onto a beach.

What is an Uprush wave?

WAVE UPRUSH means the rush of water up onto a shoreline or structure following the breaking of a wave, and the limit of wave uprush is the point of furthest landward rush of water onto the shoreline.

What is a swash view?

Swash, or forewash in geography, is a turbulent layer of water that washes up on the beach after an incoming wave has broken. The swash action can move beach materials up and down the beach, which results in the cross-shore sediment exchange.

What is run-up in water?

The large amount of water that a tsunami pushes onto the shore above the regular sea level is called Run-up, that is the maximum vertical height onshore above sea level reached by a tsunami. Run-up is the more damaging force than the huge tsunami waves as it surges inland and destroys all in it’s path.

How do you calculate run-up?

Wave run-up is often indicated with the symbol R . where L = g T^2/(2 \pi) is the offshore wave length, \beta is the beach slope and T is the wave period. The horizontal wave incursion is approximately given by R / \tan \beta.

Why is it called a swash?

Swash is the name given to the waves that rush up the beach after a wave has broken. On the beach, these are the waves that are commonly know as ‘swash’. The waves get shallower as they run up the shore.

What is a swash area?

From Coastal Wiki. Definition of Swash zone: The zone where wave bores run up the beach. It extends from the limit of run-down to the limit of wave run-up.

How can I drink without backwash?

Lpt request: Prevent backwash while drinking from a plastic…

  1. Open bottle.
  2. Tilt head back.
  3. Open mouth.
  4. Pour liquid from bottle into open mouth until mouth 2/3 full.
  5. Close mouth.
  6. Swallow.
  7. Close bottle.

What is the last sip of a drink called?

The word I am aware of is backwash (ODO). Although it doesn’t specifically refer to the last sip, it is what the last sip will be made of. So I would call it the “backwash sip”. The closest word I can think of for “the nasty stuff left at the bottom of a bottle after it’s been drained” is “dregs”.