What is transition in MA?

For Massachusetts students receiving special education services, Secondary Transition is a time that begins when they turn 14 (or earlier, if the Individual Education Program (IEP) team agrees). From age 14 until they graduate or turn 22, students on IEPs receive transition services from their public school districts.

What are transition programs for students with disabilities?

The Transition Program is designed to teach independent living skills, including vocational skills, to students receiving special education services, ages 18-22. Program activities take place in a variety of community settings; including, work sites, the bank, public transportation and many other locations.

How do you become a transition specialist?

Qualifications for a career transition specialist vary but typically include a bachelor’s or master’s degree in counseling or a related field. You can also gain skills and increase job readiness through an internship. Licensing requirements also vary by state and by employer.

What is a 688 referral?

Chapter 688 Referral — Why do it? The primary goal of filing a Chapter 688 referral is to plan for needed adult services for students with severe disabilities. Filing a Chapter 688 referral creates documentation that students with severe disabilities will need adult services and supports.

What is age of majority in Massachusetts?

Despite the fact that the “age of majority” is eighteen, this does not mean that all obligations between parents and children will end on the day a child turns eighteen.

What are transition programs?

This program provides students with information about study and career opportunities as well as job seeking and employment skills to assist young people in the transition from school into further education and/or employment.

What do transition specialists do?

Transition specialists who work with students suggest scholastic goals and career opportunities to work toward. Specialists guide their pupils to better time management, studying and organizational skills. They work with students to fix problems such as behavioral issues, neglect, abuse, addiction and bullying.

What is a high school transition specialist?

Transition coordinators perform a variety of duties in providing appropriate services to special-education students preparing for life after graduation. They link school staff, families, community, and resource providers, ensuring that students and families have access to available services.

What are the components of transition?

Key Elements to the Transition Planning and the IEP

  • Age-Appropriate Transition Assessment (AATA)
  • Student Vision.
  • Post Secondary Goals.
  • Course of study.
  • Transition services.
  • Agencies and providers.
  • Annual goals.