What is today 22k gold rate in GRT Chennai?

Today Gold Rate in GRT Chennai 22K

22 Carat Gold Rate in GRT Chennai 1 Gram 10 Grams
22 Carat Gold Rate Today in GRT Chennai ₹4,485 ₹44,850
22 Carat Gold Rate Yesterday in GRT Chennai ₹4,517 ₹45,170
Today’s Price Change ₹-32 ₹-320

What is the price of KDM 916 gold in Chennai today?

Gold Rate Today in Chennai 916 kdm per gram

Gram Gold Rate in Chennai Today
1 Gram ₹4,508
8 Gram ₹36,064
10 Gram ₹45,080
100 Gram ₹450,800

What is the gold rate for 1 gram today?

Today 22 Carat Gold Price per gram in Kerala (INR)

Gram 22 Carat Gold Yesterday 22 Carat Gold Today
1 Gram Rs 4165.00 Rs 4165.00
8 Gram Rs 33320 Rs 33320
10 Gram Rs 41650 Rs 41650
100 Gram Rs 416500 Rs 416500

What is spot price of gold?

The spot price of gold – or any commodity for that matter – represents the price at which the commodity may be exchanged and delivered upon now . This is in contrast to gold or commodity futures contracts, which specify a price for the commodity for a future delivery date.

What is the price of gold per ounce?

At its lowest in 2019, the price of gold was about $1,200 per ounce. After hitting an all-time high in 2020 of more than $2,000 per ounce, it’s now dropped down to around $1,800. Mehul says the pandemic wiped out about 40% of his sales.

Why does gold price change?

Another reason gold prices fluctuate is due to supply and demand — a basic and fundamental principle of economics. Many experts believe that there is an inadequate amount of gold as compared to current demand. When demand exceeds supply, prices rise. When supply exceeds demand, prices drop.