What is the value of spring index?

The spring index is the relationship between the mean diameter and wire diameter. The equation is shown below. This is a very important relationship to consider for manufacturing ease and cost control. As a general rule, the index should be above 3 and less than 20.

What is spring rate and spring index?

Definition of Spring Index Spring index is the correlation between the mean diameter of a spring and the wire diameter of a spring. This proportion will determine the strength of the spring, the stress induced on the spring, and the manufacturability of the spring.

What is spring Rate?

Spring rate refers to the amount of weight that is needed to compress a spring one inch. If the rate of the spring is linear, its rate is not affected by the load that is put on the spring. For example, say you have a 200 lb. per inch spring – it will compress 1” when a 200 lb. load is placed onto the spring.

How do you calculate maximum spring deflection?

The spring deflection formula for determining the deflection a particular spring will experience when a load is applied is load divided by rate (D = L/R). That is, whatever load you are applying to the spring divided by the spring’s rate of deflection will produce the amount of deflection that will occur.

How do you determine spring rate?

To test the spring rate, the spring is placed into a spring rate tester, like shown above, and is pre-compressed one inch (or millimeters if you’re using that measurement) and then compressed further to get the measurement for the next inch of compression.

How is spring deformation calculated?

Spring deflection is represented by the letter (x) in Hooke’s law, which is written as F=kx (where F= the applied force and k = spring constant). Given this equation, a spring’s deflection can be calculated by dividing the force applied to it (F) by the constant of the spring (k).

Is there a way to calculate the spring index?

You can calculate the spring index yourself or use our Spring Creator Calculator. You can calculate spring index manually or get it from our Spring Creator Calculator that automatically calculates it for you based on a few dimensions. First, you must calculate mean diameter. The formulas are provided below.

What is the relationship between wire diameter and spring index?

The spring index is the relationship between the mean diameter and wire diameter. The equation is shown below. This is a very important relationship to consider for manufacturing ease and cost control.

How to calculate the free length of a spring?

Spring Design Calculation Within the spring design, wire diameter, number of coils, and spring free length L0 are designed for a specific load, material and assembly dimensions, or spring diameter. For a spring with recommended wire diameters, the t pitch between spring threads in free state should be within the 0.3 D ≤ t ≤ 0.6 D [mm] range.

How to calculate the formula for compression spring?

The program preferably tries to design the spring for wire diameter, according to the formula: If no suitable combination of spring dimensions can be designed for this wire diameter, the program continues, starting with the smallest, going up to the biggest, all the spring wire diameters that conform to the strength and geometric conditions.