What is the use of control break statement?

Control break statements are statements which are used to control the sequence of execution of statements with in LOOP….ENDLOOP. . These statements are executed only with in loop… endloop.

What are prerequisites for writing control break statements?

The prerequisite for using control break statements is that the internal table must be sorted in the exact order of the components of its row type according to the processing sequence in which the LOOP loop reads the rows of the internal table.

What are control break events in internal tables?

Control break processing is used to execute a piece of code whenever a specific condition in the data is detected during the processing of internal table loop. The following control break statements are available with in LOOP and ENDLOOP. The code between AT NEW and ENDAT is executed only during the first loop pass.

Can we use control break statements in ALV report?

i guess we can not use CONTROL BREAK STATEMENTS in ALV.

What is the difference between Sy Tabix and Sy index ABAP?

Sy-tabix is used to find the current line in the internal table; it’s a current line index. Whereas sy-index in used to find the number of current pass in the loop statement.

What is the control break statements in an internal table?

What is difference between BAPI and RFC?

BAPI are RFC enabled function modules. The difference between RFC and BAPI are business objects. While RFC are immediate system call, Some BAPIs provide essential functions and can be used for most SAP business object types. These BAPIs should be implemented the same for all business object types.

How are control break statements executed in SAP?

SAP ABAP Control Break Statements. Control break processing in a internal table loop is used to execute statements written within the block AT and END AT, when the control structure changes. The AT statements (Begining of the blocks) determine the control break at which the statements written within the blocks are executed.

When to use a control break in a table loop?

Control break processing in a internal table loop is used to execute statements written within the block AT and END AT, when the control structure changes. The AT statements (Begining of the blocks) determine the control break at which the statements written within the blocks are executed.

When to execute control level code in ABAP?

The field that is specified in AT NEW is called control level. The code between AT NEW and ENDAT will be executed during the first loop pass and every time the value of the control level changes or any other field left to the control level changes.

What is syntax check performed in ABAP Objects context?

The syntax check performed in an ABAP Objects context is stricter than in other ABAP areas.See Compatible Work Area with Control Level Processing and Field Symbols Not Allowed as Control Level Criterion. f is a sub-field of an internal table processed with LOOP.