What is the time now in North Australia?

Time Zone Currently Being Used in Northern Territory

Offset Time Zone Abbreviation & Name Current Time
UTC +9:30 ACST Sat, 11:11:50 am

What time is it in Darwin GMT?

GMT +9:30
Time Zone in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

Current: ACST — Australian Central Standard Time
Current Offset: UTC/GMT +9:30 hours
Difference: 13:30 hours ahead of New York

Does Darwin have daylight saving?

Daylight Saving Time (DST) Not Observed in Year 2021 Darwin currently observes 6 time zones all year. DST is no longer in use. Clocks do not change in Darwin, Australia. The previous DST change in Darwin was on March 26, 1944.

Do you have to wear a mask in the Northern Territory?

Mandatory mask use Children under the age of 12 and people with a specified medical condition are not required to wear a mask. Mask wearing is mandatory at the following Northern Territory airports: Gove Airport. Groote Eylandt.

What’s the time zone in the Northern Territory?

Time Zone Currently Being Used in Northern Territory Northern Territory observes Australian Central Standard Time all year. There are no Daylight Saving Time clock changes.

Where are the gateways to the Northern Territory?

Offering truly unforgettable travel experiences, you’re sure to leave the Northern Territory a little different than you came. There are two major gateways into the Northern Territory: Alice Springs in Central Australia and Darwin in the north of the state (often called the Top End).

Who is the government of the Northern Territory?

The Northern Territory Government, Australian Government, Energy Resources of Australia and Traditional Owners from the Gundjeihmi Aboriginal Corporation (GAC) joined for the signing of the MoU, which will support the town’s transition from a mining town to a tourist town.

Where are the best places to visit in the Northern Territory?

The Northern Territory is vast and incredible, from the mighty monolith of Ulu r u and the desert town of Alice Springs to the coastal capital of Darwin and its neighbouring islands. Offering truly unforgettable travel experiences, you’re sure to leave the Northern Territory a little different than you came.