What is the theme of siren song?

Siren Song is inspired by Greek mythology. It is known for its themes of deception and isolation. It was first published in 1974 in her collection, You Are Happy. The poem speaks about the tricks sirens use to manipulate sailors and lure them to death.

How would you describe a siren song?

What does siren song mean? Siren song describes something that is very appealing and alluring on the surface but ultimately deceptive, dangerous, or destructive.

How is siren song different to The Odyssey?

In “Siren Song” we see a portrayal of this irresistible lure by one Siren’s song as merely a taunting boredom, while in The Odyssey the Siren is seen as a toxic desire. Both these poems portray these characteristics of the Siren through point of view, tone, and imagery.

What is the meaning of siren song poem?

Siren Song is a poem that takes a different look at the ancient Greek myth of the sirens, the half bird, half woman creatures who lured passing sailors to their death with an irresistible song. The reader is gradually drawn in, and by the fourth stanza is promised personal knowledge of the siren’s secret.

What is the sirens poem about?

What is the perspective of the Sirens?

Atwood adapts this myth by creating her poem from the perspective of one of the sirens, which is in first-person voice. The way Atwood structured her poem is concise because it represents the three sirens in Greek mythology.

What is the tone of the Sirens from the Odyssey?

Both authors portray to the reader the sirens as deceptive and flattering. Homer tells his story in first person through the eyes of Odysseus. His portrayal of the sirens is thus subjected to the views of Odysseus’ character. The tone of the passage is fearful and suspenseful.

How does the siren affect heroes?

The sirens are described as bird like creatures that are beautiful and deceitful. The sirens prey on the most strong and heroic heroes that are also very gullible.