What is the synonym of exigency?

Some common synonyms of exigency are contingency, crisis, emergency, juncture, pinch, straits, and strait. While all these words mean “a critical or crucial time or state of affairs,” exigency stresses the pressure of restrictions or urgency of demands created by a special situation. provide for exigencies.

What is another word for smithereens?

What is another word for smithereens?

fragment bit
morsel shiver
splinter part
portion shard
wisp flake

How do I see something synonym?


  1. angle.
  2. aspect.
  3. attitude.
  4. broad view.
  5. context.
  6. frame of reference.
  7. headset.
  8. landscape.

What is an example of exigency?

Exigency is defined as a condition of urgency. An example of exigency is the need to deliver a package quickly. An urgent requirement; a pressing need.

What is the opposite of exigent?

Antonyms: beseeching, pleading, undemanding, imploring. Synonyms: instant, clamant, insistent, instant(a), egregious, glaring, gross, flagrant, strident, repetitive, vociferous, crying(a), blatant, clamorous, instantaneous, exacting, rank, crying, inst.

What’s the definition of Smithereen?

: small broken pieces : fragments, bits the vase was in smithereens on the floor —usually used in phrases like blow to smithereens or smash to smithereens Roughly once a second, a star somewhere in the universe explodes.

What is the opposite of smithereens?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for smithereens. chunk, hunk, lump, slab.

What can I use instead of we see?

You can say:

  • evidently.
  • as is evident (from)
  • obviously.
  • clearly.
  • indubitably.
  • as demonstrated.
  • as it has been pointed out.
  • as it might be seen.

What is perceiver?

Definitions of perceiver. a person who becomes aware (of things or events) through the senses. synonyms: beholder, observer, percipient.