What is the summary of As I Lay Dying?

The book is narrated by 15 different characters over 59 chapters. It is the story of the death of Addie Bundren and her poor, rural family’s quest and motivations—noble or selfish—to honor her wish to be buried in her hometown of Jefferson, Mississippi.

What is Faulkner’s message in As I Lay Dying?

As I Lay Dying is not only about mortality insofar as it concerns Addie Bundren’s death. More deeply, the novel explores the theme of mortality by showing each of Addie’s family members, loved ones, and other acquaintances offer unique responses to her death, attempting to make sense of the nature of existence.

What happened in the end of As I Lay Dying?

Shortly after Darl and Jewel leave, Addie dies. The youngest Bundren child, Vardaman, associates his mother’s death with that of a fish he caught and cleaned earlier that day. With some help, Cash completes the coffin just before dawn.

Who knows Dewey Dell is pregnant?

Dewey Dell is pregnant, and no one else knows but Darl. She continues to be in the room with Addie, fanning her. Dewey Dell tells Peabody that Addie wants him to leave the room.

Did Faulkner go to college?

University of Mississippi1919–1921
University of Virginia
William Faulkner/College

Are the Bundrens poor?

Poverty 1: Anse and Addie Bundren live in a poor section of Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi. It is a fictional setting in which Faulkner sets most of his stories. Because of their poverty, they are forced to live life in a more difficult manner than those who have more money for the better things in life.

How did cash break his leg in As I Lay Dying?

He suggests that Darl save himself and jump into the water. Cash is thrown into the water, holds onto the rope. Cash is kicked by Jewel’s horse, re-breaking his leg.

What happened to Cash’s leg in As I Lay Dying?

What kind of person is Peabody in As I Lay Dying?

That is, he is the overweight, friendly humanitarian, the person who grasps the very nature and essence of a person’s character, but who is yet willing to devote his time to his patients’ welfare. Indicative of this is the fact that he has on his account books almost $50,000 in bad debts.

Who is Addie’s favorite child?

Her favorite child, conceived with Rev. Whitfield, is Jewel. She later bore two more children – Dell and Vardaman – to replace the children she had stolen from Anse. Addie’s favorite children are Jewel and Cash – not Dell, Vardaman, or Darl.