What is the spawn timer on arcturis?

General Information

Type Zone Spawn Timer
Bear Grizzly Hills 6-10 hours

How do I get Deth Tilac?


  1. Taming Deth’tilac can only be accomplished when his health is below 20%.
  2. Deth’tilac has a “Deth Strike” ability that instantly kills when it lands while taking 10% of his health.
  3. One of the best methods is to use your pet/[Snake Trap], plus [Concussive Shot] and [Ice Trap] to keep him at bay while kiting.

What is skarr spawn timer?

It is currently believed that Skarr shares a spawn timer with Karkin (the metallic crab) and can be anywhere from approximately 2-10 hours.

Can you tame Deth Tilac?

Taming Challenge tactics Deth’tilac is the most powerful of the ten new rare mob taming challenges, as well as the most powerful rare spawn ingame. It takes a dedicated hunter a great deal of patience or a group of helpful friends to weaken him enough for his will to falter so that he can be tamed.

Does skarr spawn?

This unique metallic-black colored hunter’s pet is a level 85-122 aggressive beast cat located either in the Firelands sub-zone Molten Front or at the Kings’ Rest. It has very few spawn locations therefore it is easy to spot. However, due to the long respawn it is still considered very rare and desirable.

How long does Deth Tilac spawn in Wow?

Deth’tilac’s NPCScan id is 54322. He doesn’t share a spawn timer with any of the other spiders in the Molten Front (more than one spider can be up at a time) and his timer seems to range anywhere from 6-17 hours. I have a video below of my successful Deth’tilac tame.

When is the spawn time for Arcturis in Minecraft?

Not sure how many other hunters have or still working on taming Arcturis but I got him tonight at 11:31pm server time (Central Time Zone) at 31 / 57. I have no idea what the spawn times are but he spawned tonight at 11:31pm.

What kind of CC does deth’tilac have?

Deth’Tilac has a 12 hour spawn timer, as do all of the Challenge Spiders, from what I am aware. Deth’Tilac is immune to CC at this point. Previously he was rootable, but as of today neither myself nor my mage could CC him with any of ours. However he is slowable, so Frostbolt, Ice Trap, Concussive Shot and Scatter Shot are your friends.

How long is Arcturis respawn timer in Petopia?

With Cata though and i finding possible new evidence (only a certain amount of rares are allowed to be alive in northrend in a given time) that he may be down to a 10-12 hour timer or at least, on the off chance he is