What is the slogan for DARE?

What is the DARE drug slogan?…What are the three refusal skills?

  • Give a reason for saying “No.” Be honest.
  • Use the right body language.
  • Show your concern for others.
  • Suggest something else.
  • Take action.

Can a slogan be one word?

Slogans absolutely cannot go over one sentence and five dollar words such as “olfactory” should be avoided. Some rules are made to be broken; if there is a five dollar word that rolls up a few sentences of meaning in one word, go for it. Simple slogan: Just Do It (Nike).

Who said dare be different?

Stephanie Lahart
Quote by Stephanie Lahart: “Dare to be different.

What is the meaning of Dare to be different?

When us kids were growing up, “Dare to be different” was a motto that encouraged us to think for ourselves and not just follow other people. If what the others were doing was “wrong” and they wanted us to join them, then “dare to be different” meant don’t join in and don’t give in to peer pressure.

Why is it important to say no to drugs?

Drugs can cause great harm to your body, especially once you are addicted. Drug addiction can cause hair loss, bad breath, stained teeth, liver disease and can also lead to brain damage.

What are some good slogans for drug prevention?

To combat the abuse of drugs, the following series of drug prevention slogans have become popularized around the United States to raise awareness of drug abuse. A healthy me is drug free. Above the Influence. Angel dust is a disgust. Avoid a tragic death, stay away from crystal meth.

When did Just Say No to drugs start?

The “Just Say No” slogan has been popularized throughout drug prevention campaigns for kids since 1970. A total of $33 billion has been spent on marketing. In a continued effort to combat drugs, the following just say no to drugs slogans can also be used in conjunction for raising awareness.

Is it okay to say no to drugs?

Of course, they might have their reasons, but whatever the reason is drug abuse may lead to a loads of problems, teens may use it for fun, but they will affect them in the later phase of their life. Sometimes, saying no is okay! Refusing could be a great choice. Throw it away, before it throws you out!