What is the significance of the Aachen Cathedral?

Aachen Cathedral was the very first site to be granted UNESCO World Heritage status in Germany, and with good reason: built in around 790 to 800, the cathedral is of world importance in terms of the history of art and architecture, and is one of the great examples of church architecture.

Where is Charles the Great buried?

January 28, 814 AD
Charlemagne/Date of burial

What was the Palatine Chapel in Aachen used for?

Constructed on the site of an earlier, smaller house of worship dating from the 780s and 790s, the Palatine Chapel was consecrated in 805 to serve as the imperial church. It was designed by Odo of Metz, who modeled it after the Byzantine-style church of San Vitale (consecrated 547) in Ravenna, Italy.

Where are Charlemagne’s remains?

Aachen Cathedral
The Karlsschrein (English: Shrine of Charlemagne) is located in Aachen Cathedral and contains the remains of Charlemagne. It was completed in 1215 in Aachen at the command of Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor.

Where is the Aachen Cathedral?

Aachen Cathedral (German: Aachener Dom) is a Roman Catholic church in Aachen, Germany and the see of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Aachen….

Aachen Cathedral
Year consecrated 805
Location Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Geographic coordinates 50°46′29.1″N 6°5′2.12″ECoordinates: 50°46′29.1″N 6°5′2.12″E

Does the Palace of Aachen still exist?

Today much of the palace is destroyed, but the Palatine Chapel has been preserved and is considered as a masterpiece of Carolingian architecture and a characteristic example of architecture from the Carolingian Renaissance.

What structure did Charlemagne base his Palatine Chapel at Aachen on?

Charlemagne’s Palatine Chapel was directly inspired by Justinian’s court church, San Vitale in Ravenna, which Charlemagne had visited. Most notably, both are centralized in plan, although the Aachen plan is simpler, emphasizing its geometric clarity and more clearly articulating its more robust and massive structure.

Where is Aachen in Germany map?

North Rhine-Westphalia

Aachen Show map of Germany Show map of North Rhine-Westphalia Show all
Coordinates: 50°46′32″N 06°05′01″ECoordinates: 50°46′32″N 06°05′01″E
Country Germany
State North Rhine-Westphalia

Is the Aachen Cathedral open to the public?

The cathedral is closed to tourists during services. This also applies to special services and concerts – short-term closure is possible! Normal visiting times are weekdays from 11 a.m., Saturdays and Sundays from 1 p.m..

Who is the patron saint of Aachen Cathedral?

Aachen Cathedral is a Roman-Catholic church. Its patron saint has always been the Virgin Mary. That St Mary‘s Church actually became a cathedral, in other words an episcopal church, is actually the result of recent rather than ancient history.

Which is the Mother Church of the Diocese of Aachen?

For 595 years, from 936 to 1531, the Palatine Chapel, heart of the cathedral, was the church of coronation for thirty-one German kings and twelve queens. The church has been the mother church of the Diocese of Aachen since 1802.

When was the vitrea added to Aachen Cathedral?

Following Charlemagne’s canonization by Frederick Barbarossa in 1165, the chapel became a draw for pilgrims. Due to the enormous flow of pilgrims, in 1355 a Gothic choir hall was added, and a two-part Capella vitrea (glass chapel) which was consecrated on the 600th anniversary of Charlemagne’s death.