What is the reason the children are given as to why Aunt Alexandra has come to stay with them what do you think is the real reason?

What’s the reason the children are given as to why Aunt Alexandra has come to stay with them? What do you think it’s the real reason? She told the kids that their father md her decided it was time she came to stay for a while. That they are growing up and they need a feminine influence in their life.

What doctrine does Scout say seems to preoccupy all clergymen?

The preacher offers the requisite prayers for the sick and infirm before his sermon. Scout notes that, although his sermon ‘is a forthright denunciation of sin,’ his primary focus seems to be the ‘Impurity of Women doctrine that seemed to preoccupy all clergymen.

What change does Calpurnia make in the way she addresses 12 year old Jem?

Her change in the way she addresses Jem shows that Calpurnia is acknowledging Jem’s growth and status in the family. She shows respect by referring to him as “Mister Jem.” In chapter 12, Scout takes note of the way Calpurnia begins to address Jem.

What is it specifically that upsets her about what the churches teach chapter 12?

In chapter 12 she is taken to Cal’s church and she sees the same message being shoved down her throat: “Bootleggers caused enough trouble in the Quarters, but women were worse. Again, as I had often met it in my own church, I was confronted with the Impurity of Women doctrine that seemed to preoccupy all clergymen.”

Why do Scout and Aunt Alexandra communicate poorly?

Scout and Aunt Alexandra communicate poorly with one another because they look at the world through two different sets of lenses. Because she is so conventional, Aunt Alexandra is also sexist and racist. She wants Scout to act like a little lady, which Scout has no interest in doing.

What does Scout mean when she says that Alexandra thinks that everybody in Maycomb had a streak?

What does Scout mean when she says that Alexandra thinks that everybody in Maycomb had a streak? According to Alexandra, every family in town has some kind of habit such as drinking, fighting, or gambling.

How do you explain lulas antagonism toward Jem and Scout?

How do you explain Lula’s antagonism toward Jem and Scout? Lula is not use to seeing white people in her church and here they are two white children in her church and Reverend Sykes threatened to church Lula because she is a trouble maker.

Who is the mysterious stranger in the corner of Jem’s room the man who had saved them?

Scout does not initially recognize that Arthur “Boo” Radley is the quiet man in the corner of the room who saved them and brought Jem into the house. In chapter 29, Scout describes the incident to Sheriff Tate and finally recognizes that Boo Radley is the man standing in the corner of Jem’s room.

How is Tom’s wife Helen treated after the accusation?

How is Tom’s wife, Helen, treated after Tom’s accusation? He is accused of raping Mr. Ewell’s daughter. She is shunned just because she’s married to him.

What does Calpurnia mean when she says that she should not tell all one knows?

Jem explained that it means that Atticus spends his time doing things that other people would not want to. 4. Calpurnia says one should not tell all one knows, firstly because it is not ladylike and secondly because folks don’t like to be around those who know more than they do. 5.

What does Scout learn about herself in Chapter 12?

In Chapter 12, Calpurnia takes Jem and Scout to Sunday service at First Purchase African American M.E. Church. As a result of their visit, Scout learns some information about Calpurnia that she never knew. Scout learns that Calpurnia is older than her father and that she celebrates her birthday on Christmas.

What is going on in the novel when Calpurnia says I don’t want anybody sayin I don’t look after my children?

What is going on in the novel when Calpurnia says, “I don’t want anybody sayin’ I don’t look after my children.” Calpurnia is bringing them to her church and she wants the children to look clean and well-dressed. what does aunt Alexandra think the children should be proud of?