What is the problem in eleven by Sandra Cisneros?

In the short story, “Eleven,” by Sandra Cisneros, the narrator, Rachel, is confronted with the conflict of dealing with an unjust teacher, Mrs. Price. Mrs. Price asks for someone from the class to claim the raggedy, smelly sweater and immediately accuses Rachel based on the other students’ claims.

What is eleven by Sandra Cisneros really about?

Lesson Summary ‘Eleven’ is a popular short story in which the narrator’s eleventh birthday is ruined when her teacher forces her to take responsibility for an ugly sweater that isn’t hers. Unable to cope with the injustice, she bursts into tears in front of her classmates, and wishes she were older.

What does the red sweater symbolize in eleven by Sandra Cisneros?

The sweater could represent social stigma, or, to quote our favorite sociology textbook, “the disapproval of a person because they do [sic] not fit the required social norms that are given in society” (source).

What is the irony in eleven by Sandra Cisneros?

The fact that the conflict happens on the narrator’s birthday shows situational irony. On a day when she should be celebrated and when she keeps reminding herself of all the good things that await her, she doesn’t even want to be eleven.

What is the internal conflict of the story eleven?

Rachel is experiencing a character versus self internal conflict as she struggles to voice that the sweater was not hers. Rachel is experiencing a character versus character external conflict as she fights with Phyllis Lopez.

What happens in 11 during the falling action of the story?

What happens in “Eleven” during the falling action of the story? It is internal because Rachel is unable to be enthusiastic about her birthday. There’ll be candles and presents and everybody will sing Happy birthday, happy birthday to you, Rachel, only it’s too late.

What is the climax of eleven by Sandra Cisneros?

The Climax occurred when Rachel finally snapped and all of her emotions came rolling out. Price put the sweater on my desk, finally lets go, and all of a sudden I’m crying in front of everybody.” When she cried, Rachel released her emotions and then her problem of holding back was resolved.

What is the main theme of the story eleven?

The theme of the short story “Eleven” is that no matter how old you get, there are still moments in your life where you feel like a child. Even though you continue to age, you bring along the past with you. The past experiences of the younger you is still a part of your personality even as you get older.

What is Rachel’s reaction to wearing the red sweater?

Rachel hates the sweater so much that it upsets her. Rachel calls it an ugly sweater, all raggedy and old. She is upset over Sylvia’s claim that it belongs to Rachel, not claiming the sweater as hers. She calls it a big red mountain and she moves it to the corner of her desk with a ruler.

What is the symbol in the story eleven?

Step 5: Symbolism in complete sentences- Eleven represents the coming of age and how all of the different ages of one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and nine sum up who she is as a person. The red sweater symbolizes the power that everyone has over her. Also, the color red symbolizes her hate.

What is the symbolism in the story eleven?

What is ironic in the story eleven?

This short story addresses the injustice a young girl faces when her opinions are deemed insignificant by an authority figure based on the fact that she is younger and apparently misguided, yet the irony of the story shows that youth have the power to unexpectedly prove their oppressors wrong through profound …