What is the postcode for Hull City Centre?

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Postcode Ward Easting
HU1 1AA St Andrew’s & Docklands 510050
HU1 1AB St Andrew’s & Docklands 510026
HU1 1AH St Andrew’s & Docklands 510236
HU1 1AJ St Andrew’s & Docklands 510000

What is the postal County for Hull?


Postcode district Post town Coverage
HU1 HULL Hull, Centre, Old Town, Albert Dock
HU2 HULL Hull, North of Centre, Wincolmlee
HU3 HULL Hull, Spring Bank, West of Centre, Saint Andrew’s Quay, Hull Royal Infirmary
HU4 HULL Hull, Anlaby Common, Anlaby Park, Gipsyville

Where is the DN postcode?

Postcode district boundaries:

Postcode area DN
Postcode area name Doncaster
Post towns 13
Postcode districts 33

Where is HU1?

Kingston upon Hull
HU1 is in the county of East Riding of Yorkshire. It contains the city of Kingston upon Hull, as well as Lisle Court and Trinity Court. HU1 is a postcode district, also known as an outcode or outbound code.

What area of the UK is Hull in?

71.45 km²
Kingston upon Hull/Area

Why is Grimsby postcode DN?

7 Why is Grimsby in postcode DN? The first two letters of a postcode refer to the main sorting office for the region. The main sorting office for northern Lincolnshire is located in Doncaster, hence the letters DN.

What county is HU1?

The HU1 postcode area is located in the Hull postcode town region, within the county of Yorkshire, and contains a total of 767 individual postcodes.

Is Hull in the South East?

Hull lies in northern England and is a fairly flat city and is part of the country known as East Riding of Yorkshire.

Is Hull classed as North East?

Kingston upon Hull, also called Hull, city and unitary authority, geographic county of East Riding of Yorkshire, historic county of Yorkshire, northeastern England. It lies on the north bank of the River Humber estuary at its junction with the River Hull, 22 miles (35 km) from the North Sea.

Is Grimsby a grim?

Thanks to Sacha Baron Cohen’s film ‘Grimsby’ and negative media reports, Grimsby has a certain reputation. It is after all a town with the word ‘grim’ in its name. Of course, I now know that the name derives from Grim, a Danish fisherman who according to legend settled here in the ninth century.

What area is SK?

The SK postcode area, also known as the Stockport postcode area, is a group of nineteen postcode districts in England, within eleven post towns….Postcode district boundaries:

Postcode area SK
Postcode area name Stockport
Post towns 11
Postcode districts 19