What is the population of India according to 2012?

“The population as on March 1, 2012 has been estimated at 123 crore.

What is the population of India in 2011?

1210.2 million
Population : As per the Provisional Population Totals of Census 2011, the total population of India was 1210.2 million. Of this, the rural population stands at 833.1 million and the urban population 377.1 million.

What is the population of India between 2011 2025?

India will take over China in terms of population by 2025, an analysis of the provisional Census, 2011 data suggests. With more than 1.2 billion people, India contains about 17.5 per cent (every sixth person in the world is an Indian) of humanity.

What was the number of Census 2011?

According to the provisional reports released on 31 March 2011, the Indian population increased to 1.21 billion with a decadal growth of 17.70%….2011 Census of India.

15th Census of India
Country India
Total population 1,210,193,422 ( 17.70%)
Most populous ​state Uttar Pradesh (199,812,341)

What was the population of India in the year 1947?

At the time of independence, India had a population of 340 million.

What is the population of India according to census 2001?

2001 Census of India

14th Census of India
Country India
Total population 1,028,737,436 (21.5%)

What was the population in 2008?

Cuadro de datos de la población mundial 2008

United States Dem. Rep. Congo
Population mid-2008 305 million 67 million
Population 2050 (projected) 438 million 189 million
Lifetime births per woman 2.1 6.5
Percent of population below age 15 20% 47%

What is the population of India according to 2001 and 2011 census?

According to the final census released by home minister Sushilkumar Shinde on Tuesday, India’s total population as on 1 March 2011 is 1,210,726,932 or 121 crore — an increase of 18.196 crore persons in absolute number of population during 2001-11.

What is the estimated population of India in 2004?

1,129,620,000 people
India ended 2004 with a population of 1,129,620,000 people, which represents an increasea of 18,100,000 people compared to 2003.

Which is a component of population dynamics in India?

It is the study of how popula- tion changes over time. In this research paper, author is concerned about human population dynamics in India. The composition of the population, including birth and death rates, immigration, emigration and age and sex composition are the main components of population dynamics.

What was the population of India in 1960?

The world experienced dramatic population growth during the twentieth century, with the number of inhabitants doubling from 3 to 6 billion between 1960 and 2000. India, too, saw very rapid population growth during this period – from 448 million to 1.04 billion – and to 1.21 billion in 2010.

What is the percentage of married people in India?

Married population constitutes 47.0 percent of the total population whereas widowed/divorced/separated constitutes 5.2 percent. The proportion of W/D/S female population is higher than males at the National level as well as in the bigger States.

How does population affect economic growth in India?

If working ages population can be productively employed according to their age structure with skilled development, economic growth of India will be accelerated. They also can strain available resources and services, which in turn may cause shortages and economic disruption.