What is the name of c3h7no?


PubChem CID 6582
Structure Find Similar Structures
Chemical Safety Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary (LCSS) Datasheet
Molecular Formula C3H7NO
Synonyms N-METHYLACETAMIDE 79-16-3 Acetamide, N-methyl- Methylacetamide Monomethylacetamide More…

What is the functional group of c3h7no?

The functional groups are aldehyde and amine.

What is the functional group of C3H6O?

The functional group found in propanal (C3H6O. is aldehyde group.

How many isomers exist for amides with the molecular formula C3H7NO?

Solutions for Chapter 14Problem 52P: There are four amide isomers with the molecular formula C3H7NO.

How many amides with molecular formula C3H7NO are possible?

There are four amides with the formula C3H7NO.

How many amides of the formula C3H7NO can be drawn?

There are four amides with the formula C3​H7​NO.

What is the Iupac name of CH3CH2CONH2?

Propanamide CH3CH2CONH2 Molecular Weight — EndMemo.

How do you make Propanamide?

Firstly, the propionic acid and the ammonium hydroxide are mixed according to a certain proportion at room temperature; then, the materials are heated gradually in a reactor with rectifying columns to extract liquid solutions continuously, and the propionic acid is made to generate amidation reaction to generate …

What is the Iupac name of Propanamide?


Preferred IUPAC name Propanamide
Other names n-propylamide Propionamide Propylamide Propionic amide
CAS Number 79-05-0

What is the structural formula of C3H6O?
