What is the most important line in Othello?

Let heaven and men and devils, let them all, All, all, cry shame against me, yet I’ll speak. I kissed thee ere I killed thee: no way but this, Killing myself, to die upon a kiss.

What is Act 3 Scene 3 in Othello?

Cassio speaks to Desdemona, asking her to intercede with Othello on his behalf. Desdemona willingly agrees, knowing that Cassio is an old friend of Othello’s. She promises to speak of him with her husband repeatedly until the quarrel is patched up and Cassio is recalled.

What is the most important moment in Act 3 of Othello?

“The green-eyed monster” jealousy is aroused (Act 3 Scene 3) Desdemona tells Cassio that she will speak to Othello on his behalf. As they approach, Iago suggests to Othello that Cassio is leaving in a guilty manner. Despite Desdemona’s entreaty, Othello refuses to recall Cassio.

What is Othello’s last line?

“I pray you, in your letters,/ When you shall these unlucky deeds relate,/ Speak of me as I am; nothing extenuate,/ Nor set down aught in malice: then must you speak/ Of one that loved not wisely but too well” (Othello, 5.2). These were Othello’s dying words, his final utterances.

What is Iago’s plan Act 3?

He kneels and vows to heaven that he will take his revenge on Desdemona and Cassio, and Iago kneels with him, vowing to help execute his master’s vengeance.

Why is Act 3 Scene 3 of Othello called the temptation scene?

Iago’s provocation of Othello’s jealousy and anger is referred to as ‘temptation’ in the sense that it is like the ‘temptation’ of Eve by Satan in the form of a snake.

What is Iago’s plan in Act 3?

Iago expresses his plan and purpose in a soliloquy at the end of Act 1, Scene 3. He plans to get Cassio’s position as Othello’s lieutenant by making Othello jealous of the handsome, flirtatious younger man, and at the same time he plans to get revenge against Othello by making him jealous of Desdemona.

Who speaks the last line in Othello?

Iago reveals what he’s going to do to destroy Othello, but he never reveals why he’s going to do it. Iago hoped to escape any consequence for his actions, but once his villainy is discovered and revealed in act 5, scene 2, Iago chooses to say nothing more in his final lines: IAGO.

What is the significance of Othello’s suicide?

Othello’s suicide signifies his acceptance of his crime of murdering Desdemona and his understanding that, although Iago manipulated him into his actions, he is ultimately the one responsible for them.

What animal is Desdemona?

As they continue to argue, Othello says to her, “If that the earth could teem with woman’s tears, each drop she falls would prove a crocodile.” (IV, i, 142-3) Desdemona is referred to as a crocodile because of her tears.

What quotes to learn for Othello?

These Othello quotes will outline jealousy and other emotions, allowing you to understand them on a grander scale. Don’t forget to also read these jealousy quotes on how to deal with envy. 1. “O, beware, my lord, or jealousy; It is the greed ey’d monster, which doth mock the meat it feeds on.”

What is a soliloquy in Othello?

Soliloquy is an important part of the dialogue of Shakespeare’s Othello, like that of most other great tragedies of his. In Othello the soliloquy serves many functions like revelation of secrets, development of character and plot, foreshadowing and dramatization, and the addition of the poetic element at climactic points in the play.

What is the summary of Othello?

“Othello” is a play, better said a tragedy, in which the main theme it Othello’s jealousy and revenge and the main motives are racism, love, jealousy, betrayal and fraud in the main conflict between Othello and Cassio. The plot is settled in Cyprus between 1489 and 1570. The objective narrator is in the third person.