What is the most efficient rocket engine in KSP?

Practically speaking, this makes the following engines among the most efficient for orbital use: Nerv, Poodle, Terrier, Spark, Ant, Dawn. Which one is best for a given craft depends on craft size, delta-V budget, and player tolerance for low TWR .

Does NASA play KSP?

This is not the first time NASA and KSP have crossed paths. NASA reached out to Squad, the company that develops KSP, in 2013 to implement its Asteroid Redirect Mission into the game. Players can use NASA-based technologies to perform their own asteroid redirect mission.

How do you get a rover in KSP?


  1. Enter the SPH – This is where most rovers are built.
  2. Grab a RoveMate from the Command section.
  3. Turn on symmetry mode – tap the X key once.
  4. Place down four RoveMax M1 wheels on the I-Beams, using symmetry mode.
  5. Then pop down some solar panels on the top.

What engine in KSP has the most thrust?

S3 KS-25×4
The S3 KS-25×4 “Mammoth” Liquid Fuel Engine is a size 3 liquid fuel engine. It is the most powerful (and most expensive) engine available in the game….

S3 KS-25×4 “Mammoth” Liquid Fuel Engine
Maximum thrust (vacuum) 4 000.00 kN
Isp (1 atm) 295 s
(vacuum) 315 s
Fuel consumption 258.98 /s

What is TWR KSP?

The thrust-to-weight ratio (TWR) is a ratio that defines the power of a craft’s engines in relation to its own weight. The weight depends on the mass and local gravitational acceleration, which is usually the surface gravity of the body whose gravity well the craft is currently in.

What is asparagus staging?

Asparagus staging was a method to build very efficient rockets in early versions of Kerbal Space Program. The technique is still useful for building exceptionally large rockets when no larger engines are available.