What is the most common symptom associated with costochondritis?

The most common symptoms of costochondritis are pain and tenderness in the chest. You may feel: Sharp pain at the front of your chest wall, which may move to your back or stomach. Increased pain when you take a deep breath or cough.

What does a costochondritis flare feel like?

The most noticeable symptom, chest pain, can be moderate to severe and may develop into a sharp, stabbing sensation. You feel this pain to the left of your sternum, and you might also feel a lot of pressure. In some cases, the pain may spread toward your shoulder and upper back.

What should you not do if you have costochondritis?

Rest: You may need to rest and avoid painful movements and activities. Do not carry objects, such as a purse or backpack, if this causes pain. Avoid activities such as weightlifting until your pain decreases or goes away. Ask your healthcare provider which activities are best for you to do while you recover.

What exercise is good for costochondritis?

Try Gentle Stretching The stretches involve holding a raised, bent arm with the forearm parallel to the wall and gently twisting the body in the opposite direction to open the chest and relieve tension on chest muscles. The exercises are repeated on both sides, several times a day to decrease pain.

Does costochondritis hurt more at night?

The pain from costochondritis may be most noticeable when an individual is lying in bed at night. It is important to find a suitable lying position in order to reduce the degree of discomfort. It may be useful to use local heat as much as possible providing this does not aggravate the condition.

Does caffeine make costochondritis worse?

Stress contributes to the pain because it makes the muscles tense. Other things that hurt are lifting, pushing, pulling, sneezing, coughing, long hours of driving or using the computer, repetitive motions and caffeine. Cold, rainy and humid weather also make the discomfort worse.

What are the best exercises for costochondritis?