What is the message of Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen?

The message of “Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen,” is that people’s attitudes toward holidays and customary traditions have accustomed people of what giving and sacrifices really are.

Which of the following is a theme that is developed in Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen group of answer choices?

Which of the following is a theme that is developed in “Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen”? People should always eat two meals on Thanksgiving.

Why is stuffy Pete taken to the hospital?

The old gentleman got sick because he had not eaten for three days. He was taken to the same hospital as Stuffy Pete. The old gentleman took Stuffy Pete to a restaurant and watched him eat a big dinner.

How does stuffy Pete contribute to the overall theme of Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen *?

How does Stuffy Pete contribute to the overall theme of ”Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen”? He accepts the old man’s meal even though he is full. He turns the old man down so the old man can eat. He buys the old man dinner every year, though he is poor.

What is Thanksgiving short summary?

Thanksgiving Day, annual national holiday in the United States and Canada celebrating the harvest and other blessings of the past year. Americans generally believe that their Thanksgiving is modeled on a 1621 harvest feast shared by the English colonists (Pilgrims) of Plymouth and the Wampanoag people.

Why does stuffy Pete eat the Thanksgiving meal even though he is full?

Plot. An indigent character named Stuffy Pete waits on a bench in Union Square in New York City, just as he has on every Thanksgiving Day for the past nine years. He has just come from an unexpected feast — provided for him by “two old ladies” as an act of charity — and he has eaten to the point of feeling sick.

Why was the old gentleman sad in the story?

He turned away, with his back to the wind, and he did not see Stuffy’s eyes. Stuffy had always wondered why the Old Gentleman seemed sad as he spoke. He did not know that it was because the Old Gentleman was wishing that he had a son. A son would come there after he himself was gone.

What tradition did Stuffy Pete keep?

Pete’s Thanksgiving tradition is to wait on a park bench in Union Square. Every year the same old gentleman comes along and buys him a large Thanksgiving dinner, and has been doing so for the last nine years. The old man is very proud of this tradition.

Why does the old gentleman buy stuffy Pete dinner ever year?

The old man goes to the hospital because he hasn’t ate in three days in order to save money for Stuffy Pete’s Thanksgiving meal. Why did the old ladies give Stuffy Pete dinner? The old ladies gave Stuffy Pete dinner because it is apart of their tradition.

What kinds of things happened to stuffy Pete each Thanksgiving for the past nine years?

Every Thanksgiving Day for nine years the Old Gentleman had come there to find Stuffy Pete on his seat. That was a thing that the Old Gentleman was trying to make into a tradition. Every Thanksgiving Day for nine years he had found Stuffy there. Then he had led Stuffy to a restaurant and watched him eat a big dinner.

What is the significance of Thanksgiving?

What is the truth about Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday in the United States, and Thanksgiving 2021 occurs on Thursday, November 25. In 1621, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Native Americans shared an autumn harvest feast that is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies.

What was the plot of two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen?

”Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen” is a story about Thanksgiving traditions, and it has the plot twist at the end that O. Henry is known for. The story follows Stuffy Pete through his Thanksgiving Day. Traditionally, he meets an old man in Union Square, and the old man buys him a huge meal.

Who are the two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen in the Trimmed Lamp?

by O. Henry. Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen is in O. Henry’s collection, The Trimmed Lamp and Other Stories of the Four Million (1907). They meet on the same park bench every Thanksgiving Day for Stuffy Pete’s annual feeding.

Who is stuffy Pete in two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen?

Every Thanksgiving Day for nine years the Old Gentleman had come there and found Stuffy Pete on his bench. That was a thing that the Old Gentleman was trying to make a tradition of. Every Thanksgiving Day for nine years he had found Stuffy there, and had led him to a restaurant and watched him eat a big dinner.

Where was the old gentleman on Thanksgiving Day?

For the Old Gentleman was coming across Fourth avenue toward his bench. Every Thanksgiving Day for nine years the Old Gentleman had come there and found Stuffy Pete on his bench. That was a thing that the Old Gentleman was trying to make a tradition of.