What is the mechanism that turns the ATP synthase?

The ATP synthase is a mitochondrial enzyme localized in the inner membrane, where it catalyzes the synthesis of ATP from ADP and phosphate, driven by a flux of protons across a gradient generated by electron transfer from the proton chemically positive to the negative side.

What turns ATP synthase in the chloroplasts?

During photosynthesis in plants, ATP is synthesized by ATP synthase using a proton gradient created in the thylakoid lumen through the thylakoid membrane and into the chloroplast stroma. Eukaryotic ATP synthases are F-ATPases, running “in reverse” for an ATPase….

ATP Synthase
Gene Ontology AmiGO / QuickGO

Do Tetrahymena have mitochondria?

Tetrahymena (as well as other alveolate) mitochondria, however, have tubular cristae that do not form the curved tips seen in mitochondria from other organisms [55].

What is ATP synthase and how does it work?

ATP synthase is a huge molecular complex (>500,000 daltons) embedded in the inner membrane of mitochondria. Its function is to convert the energy of protons (H+) moving down their concentration gradient into the synthesis of ATP. One ATP synthase complex can generate >100 molecules of ATP each second.

How did ATP synthase evolve?

The F1FO ATP synthases present in bacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts were evolved to synthesize ATP. Therefore, it was concluded that ATP synthases/ATPases arose from a common ancestor but evolved into different classes with distinct function (ATP synthesis vs. ATP hydrolysis) [32], [37], [38], [39], [40].

Where is ATP synthase in chloroplast?

thylakoid membrane
The chloroplast adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthase is located in the thylakoid membrane and synthesizes ATP from adenosine diphosphate and inorganic phosphate at the expense of the electrochemical proton gradient formed by light-dependent electron flow.

How many mitochondria are in Tetrahymena?

Based on the recovery in the mitochondrial fraction of mitochondrial membrane-bound cytochromes from a suspension of intact cells, the number of mitochondria per cell was estimated to be approximately 1440, representing 15% of the total cell volume.

What organelle is Tetrahymena unique?

Thanks to recent technological advances, the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila has emerged as an attractive model organism for studies on the assembly of microtubular organelles in a single cell. Tetrahymena assembles 17 types of distinct microtubules, which are localized in cilia, cell cortex, nuclei, and the endoplasm.

What is the role of the ATP synthase?

ATP synthase is the enzyme that makes ATP molecules. It is a multi-part complex that straddles the inner membrane of mitochondria, the energy factories in cells. The enzyme complex interacts with fatty molecules in the mitochondrial inner membrane, creating a curvature that is required to produce ATP more efficiently.

When did ATP synthase evolve?

1.5 billion years ago
The F-type ATP synthase (F-ATPase) is found in every domain of life, and is believed to predate the divergence of these lineages over 1.5 billion years ago. These enzymes have therefore facilitated the survival of organisms in a wide range of habitats, ranging from the deep-sea thermal vents to the human intestine.

How does modular evolution explain the origin of ATP synthase?

The modular evolution theory for the origin of ATP synthase suggests that two subunits with independent function, a DNA helicase with ATPase activity and a H+. motor, were able to bind, and the rotation of the motor drove the ATPase activity of the helicase in reverse.

What do you need to know about ATP synthase?

ATP synthase. The membrane is shown schematically in gray. ATP synthase is one of the wonders of the molecular world. ATP synthase is an enzyme, a molecular motor, an ion pump, and another molecular motor all wrapped together in one amazing nanoscale machine.

What is the F1 motor of ATP synthase?

PDB entry 1e79 includes the F1 motor of ATP synthase. When operating as a generator, it uses the power of rotational motion to build ATP, or when operating as a motor, it breaks down ATP to spin the axle the opposite direction.

Where is the rotation engine of ATP synthase located?

Rotation engine of ATP synthase. Located within the thylakoid membrane and the inner mitochondrial membrane, ATP synthase consists of two regions F O and F 1. F O causes rotation of F 1 and is made of c-ring and subunits a, b, d, F6.