What is the meaning of to throw someone off balance?

to suddenly confuse or surprise someone. She was trying to behave as if his visit hadn’t thrown her off balance.

What does throwing you off mean?

Throw someone off – to interrupt and confuse someone; to mislead someone. Example usage – The interruption threw me off, and I lost my place in the speech. Example usage – Little noises throw me off. Please try to be quiet. Your comment threw me off.

What does balance in Favour mean?

@longlepear that means the applicant is favoured over the other person. e.g. if you work in customer service, you throw the balance in favour of the customer (you make them the priority)

What’s the meaning of put me off?

to make someone not want to do something, or to make someone not like someone or something. Lack of parking space was putting potential customers off. Robert’s attitude towards women really puts me off. put someone off someone/something: I put him off the idea of going shopping with me.

What is another word for threw me off?

“Then, a loud noise would throw me off.”…What is another word for throw off?

dodge elude
outrun outstrip
get rid of get shot of
leave behind rid oneself of
shake off throw off the scent

Is it favor or Favour?

These words are both correct and have the same meaning and usage. However, you should choose the spelling based on whether you use American or British English. Favor is the preferred spelling for American English. Favour is the British spelling.

What is meaning of No dice?

No, certainly not; also, impossible. For example, Anthony wanted to borrow my new coat, but Mom said no dice, or We tried to rent the church for the wedding, but it’s no go for the date you picked, or Jim asked Dad to help pay for the repairs, but Dad said no soap.

What does cut the mustard come from?

The first recorded use of the phrase is by O Henry in 1907, in a story called The Heart of the West: “I looked around and found a proposition that exactly cut the mustard”. The modern sense of the idiom is “to succeed; to have the ability to do something; to come up to expectations”.