What is the lifespan of a Sumatran orangutan?

35 – 45 yearsIn the wild
Bornean orangutan/Lifespan

How many Bornean orangutans are left 2021?

100,000 Bornean orangutans
8 September 2021 There are estimated to be just 100,000 Bornean orangutans left in the wild, according to the World Wildlife Fund, with more than half the population having been wiped out over the past 60 years.

What is the difference between Sumatra and Bornean orangutan?

While both have shaggy reddish fur, Sumatran orangutans have longer facial hair. Sumatran orangutans are reported to have closer social bonds than their Bornean cousins. Bornean orangutans are more likely to descend from the trees to move around on the ground. Both species have experienced sharp population declines.

Why is the Bornean orangutan endangered?

The destruction and degradation of the tropical rain forest, particularly lowland forest, in Borneo and Sumatra is the main reason orangutans are threatened with extinction. Additionally, the illegal animal trade has been a factor in the decline of wild orangutan populations.

What do orang utan eat?

What do orangutans eat? Fruit makes up about 60% of the orangutan’s diet, including lychees, mangosteens, mangoes and figs. They also eat young leaves and shoots, insects, soil, tree bark, and occasionally eggs and small vertebrates.

How long does it take for orangutans to mature?

Adult males in captivity reach sexual maturity at 8 to 10 years of age, although this will most likely happen at a slightly later age in the wild. Orangutans exhibit extreme sexual dimorphism and are also unusual in having two kinds of sexually mature males (Harrison & Chivers, 2006).

How long are orangutans pregnant for?

Bornean orangutan: 259 days
Orangutans/Gestation period

Why are Bornean orangutan endangered?

Who is the founder of the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation?

Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation. The Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) Foundation is an Indonesian non-profit NGO founded by Dr Willie Smits in 1991 and dedicated to the conservation of the endangered Bornean orangutan and its habitat through the involvement of local people.

How are orangutans rehabilitated in the wild?

Often, very young orangutans arrive who cannot be immediately returned to natural, safe forest due to their young age. In these cases, orangutans start the long process of rehabilitation; learning all the skills they need to be able to survive in the wild.

Where is the Rehabilitation Centre for orangutans in Borneo?

The rehabilitation centre is located about 38 kilometres northeast of Balikpapan. Currently, the centre houses over 100 orangutans, a mix of individuals undergoing the rehabilitation process and individuals in lifelong sanctuary care.

Where are the southern Bornean orangutans being released?

In 2012, BOSF commenced a major new reintroduction program, releasing southern Bornean orangutans into the Bukit Batikap Protection Forest in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Over 175 orangutans have now been released here. The orangutans are closely monitored after release and appear to be thriving in their new environment.