What is the length-tension relationship example?

If you were to remove the muscle from the body of the frog, its length would shorten. Therefore, the muscle is stretched to its resting length within the body. As the muscle is stretched, so are the muscle fibers that make up the muscle organ.

What is the length-tension relationship of a sarcomere?

A sarcomere length-tension relation was constructed from the levels of tension and sarcomere length measured during the plateau. Tension was independent of sarcomere length between 1.9 and 2.6 microgram, and declined to 50% maximal at 3.4 microgram.

What is the length-tension relationship quizlet?

force that a muscle is capable of generating, relative to the length of its sarcomeres.

What is altered length-tension relationship?

It has been established that after certain types of eccentric exercise, the optimum length of tension development in muscle can be shifted to longer muscle lengths. Altering the length-tension relationship can have a profound influence on human movements.

What is length-tension relationship in cardiac muscle?

The length-tension diagram shows that as preload increases, there is an increase in active tension up to a maximal limit. The maximal active tension corresponds in cardiac muscle to a sarcomere length of about 2.2 microns. This results in an increase in active tension development at any given preload length.

Which of the following describes the relationship between length and tension?

Which of the following describes the relationship between length and tension? The active force can increase or decrease, depending on the starting resting length of the muscle. Why does the active force of skeletal muscle change with the muscle’s resting length?

Which statement accurately describes the mechanism of the length-tension relationship?

Which statement accurately describes the mechanism of the length-tension relationship? The muscle generates the greatest amount of tension when it is stretched, because the thin filaments have the longest distance to travel.

What does the length-tension relationship suggest about the generation of muscle tension?

The force -length relationship indicates that muscles generate the greatest force when at their resting (ideal) length, and the least amount of force when shortened or stretched relative to the resting length.

Why is length-tension relationship important?

The key feature of the length-tension relationship is the extra force that can be exerted during muscular contractions when the passive elements are able to contribute, which occurs when the muscle is elongated to long lengths during normal strength training, and also during eccentric training.

What is the force length relationship?

The force-length relationship describes the dependence of the steady-state isometric force of a muscle (or fiber, or sarcomere) as a function of muscle (fiber, sarcomere) length. The force-length relationship is considered one of the basic properties of muscle.

What is the length and the tension?

In its most basic form, the length-tension relationship states that isometric tension generation in skeletal muscle is a function of the magnitude of overlap between actin and myosin filaments. The force generated by a muscle depends on the total number of cross-bridges attached.

What is the relationship between force and length?

The force -length relationship indicates that muscles generate the greatest force when at their resting (ideal) length, and the least amount of force when shortened or stretched relative to the resting length.

What is length tension curve?

The isometric length-tension curve represents the force a muscle is capable of generating while held at a series of discrete lengths. When tension at each length is plotted against length, a relationship such as that shown below is obtained.