What is the host range of a plant virus?

We define as “systemic hosts” plants in which the virus spreads throughout all of the organs. By “host range” we mean plants the virus can infect and systemically invade under laboratory conditions. Viruses differ in the breadth of their experimental and natural host ranges. families (45).

How do you control potato virus in Pokemon Y?


  1. Plant seed potatoes with zero level of PVY.
  2. Use PVY resistant potato varieties when available.
  3. Plant a non-host border crop around the potato crop about four weeks before planting, for example, wheat, oats, sorghum.

How do you treat potato virus?

Use a systemic insecticide at planting. This will aid in the control of Potato-colonizing aphids and their ability to spread PVY. This will NOT FULLY prevent PVY spread however. PVY is a non-persistent virus that is readily taken up by aphids and disseminated to other potato plants.

How do you control viruses in capsicum?

Remove any capsicum plants showing virus symptoms. Plant a tall non-host border crop such as sorghum around the capsicum crop approximately 4 weeks before planting. This border acts as a cleansing barrier. Infective aphids that feed on it will lose the virus and no longer be infective if they land on the capsicum crop.

Which plant virus has the widest host range?

For example, CMV (Bromoviridae) is an important plant pathogen with the widest host-range of all known plant viruses, and worldwide distribution. The virus is transmitted by no less than 60 different species of aphids, or via seeds or dodder.

Are plant viruses host specific?

Host specificity is one of the major characteristics of a plant virus. Naturally, the literature on virus diseases contains ample data on susceptibility or resistance of various plant species to different viruses.

What does plum pox virus do?

Once a plant is infected the virus is systemic and occurs in the cytoplasm of cells from all parts of the plant. When a host tree is infected by plum pox, the infection eventually results in severely reduced fruit production, and the fruit that is produced is often misshapen and blemished.

What is potato mosaic virus?

potato severe mosaic virus. tobacco vein-banding virus. Potato virus Y (PVY) is a plant pathogenic virus of the family Potyviridae, and one of the most important plant viruses affecting potato production. PVY infection of potato plants results in a variety of symptoms depending on the viral strain.

What is TMV?

The tobacco mosaic virus infects tobacco and lots of other closely related species like tomatoes and peppers. It is transmitted by contact between plants, either naturally or on the hands of farmers. It infects the chloroplasts of plant leaves and changes their colour from green to yellow or white in a mosaic pattern.

What disease does potato virus Y cause?

Potato virus Y (PVY) is a plant pathogenic virus of the family Potyviridae, and one of the most important plant viruses affecting potato production. PVY infection of potato plants results in a variety of symptoms depending on the viral strain….

Potato virus Y
Virus classification
Species: Potato virus Y

How can we control chilli virus?

Management of viral diseases

  1. Control measures are not known for majority of viral diseases.
  2. Hence, mechanical, cultural methods are mostly recommended.
  3. The infected plants should be uprooted and burnt or buried to avoid further infection.
  4. Avoid monoculture of chilli crop.
  5. Selection of healthy and disease – free seed.

How do you control leaf curl in chilli?

Ways to prevent leaf curl disease in chilli plants

  1. Mix 5 gram soap in 1 litre water and spray this liquid on the bottom of the leaves in high pressure to get rid of white flies.
  2. Mix 5 millilitres of neem-based pesticides in 1 litre water and add 1 milligram glue to it.