What is the genus and species of a chinchilla?

Integrated Taxonomic Information System – Report

Family Chinchillidae Bennett, 1833
Genus Chinchilla Bennett, 1829
Direct Children:
Species Chinchilla chinchilla (Lichtenstein, 1829) – Short-tailed Chinchilla
Species Chinchilla lanigera Bennett, 1829 – Long-tailed Chinchilla

What is the scientific name for a short-tailed chinchilla?

C. chinchilla. Binomial name. Chinchilla chinchilla. (Lichtenstein, 1829)

What domain is a chinchilla in?


Are chinchillas considered domesticated?

Chinchillas were first bred in captivity at the end of the 19th century, but it was not until 1920 that commercial breeding began. Domesticated chinchillas have been described as smarter than the average rabbit and more fun than rats. They memorize trails and have good memories.

What is the classification of a chinchilla?


What are the different types of chinchillas?

Long-tailed chinchilla
Short-tailed chinchilla
Chinchilla/Lower classifications

What classification is a chinchilla?

Chinchilla/Scientific names

What species are domestic chinchillas?

Chinchillas are either of two species (Chinchilla chinchilla and Chinchilla lanigera) of crepuscular rodents of the parvorder Caviomorpha. They are slightly larger and more robust than ground squirrels, and are native to the Andes mountains in South America.

What are chinchillas prey?

Hawks, eagles, snakes, skunks, and humans prey on chinchillas.

Are chinchillas endangered species?

Not extinct
Chinchilla/Extinction status

How intelligent are chinchillas?

Chinchillas are extremely smart. They can learn to recognize their names, their owners, and can also learn basic commands. Chinchillas also are responsive to desired items such as treats. They can be potty trained to urinate in a litter box.

How would you describe a chinchilla?

Chinchillas have a rounded body, large mouse-like ears, short legs, and a long tail. A healthy baby weighs 2 to 2.5 ounces (60 to 70 grams) at birth. A mature chinchilla’s weight ranges from 1 to 1.5 pounds (450 to 680 grams). Females are usually larger than males.

What kind of animal is a short tailed chinchilla?

The short-tailed chinchilla (Chinchilla chinchilla, formerly known as Chinchilla brevicaudata), also called the Bolivian, Peruvian, or royal chinchilla, is an endangered species of rodent.

How many species of chinchilla are there in the world?

There are two chinchilla species: the long-tailed or Chilean Chinchilla lanigera and the short-tailed Chinchilla chinchilla.

When did the short tailed chinchilla become endangered?

The first successful protection law, passed in Chile, was not until 1929. Today, both the short-tailed and long-tailed chinchillas are listed as “endangered” by Chile and by the IUCN. Because of successful reproduction in captive environments, chinchillas are less hunted in the wild.

How big is a chinchilla compared to a lanigera?

Short-tailed chinchillas have a body length of 12 to 13 inches and a tail length of 5 to 6 inches. Females are typically larger than males. They may be distinguished from C. lanigera by its smaller ears and overall larger size. In addition, Chinchilla chinchilla has 20 tail vertebrae compared to 30 in C. lanigera.