What is the GDP per capita How much does an average person make per year?

GDP per capita in the United States averaged 36207.44 USD from 1960 until 2020, reaching an all time high of 55886.18 USD in 2019 and a record low of 17578.14 USD in 1960.

What is a good GDP per capita for a country?

GDP per Capita

# Country GDP (PPP) per capita (2017)
1 Qatar $128,647
2 Macao $115,367
3 Luxembourg $107,641
4 Singapore $94,105

What is global GDP per capita?

GDP refers to the total market value of all goods and services that are produced within a country per year. It is an important indicator of the economic strength of a country. In 2020, global GDP per capita amounted to about 10,925 U.S. dollars.

What is the difference between GDP per capita and average income?

GDP per capita captures total domestic economic output, whereas household surveys capture income flows only to households that are resident in the country. GDP is taken from the national accounts, whereas median income is derived from household surveys.

What is the average income globally?

According to 2013 data from Gallup, the median household income worldwide was $9,733 (PPP, Current Int$). Countries with the lowest median income included Libera, Burundi, Mali, Benin, Togo, Sierra Leone, and Madagascar. This data was based on self-reported data that was gathered between 2006 and 2012.

What is the real GDP per capita?

Real GDP per capita is calculated by dividing GDP at constant prices by the population of a country or area. The data for real GDP are measured in constant US dollars to facilitate the calculation of country growth rates and aggregation of the country data.

Is GDP a average income?

GDP per capita (a measure of average or mean total income) is not translating to median wage increases, indicating a small fraction of the population is capturing the income increase.

What country has the highest GDP in the world?

A Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a yardstick used to measure the economic status of a country. It periodically assesses the market value of all final goods and services in a country. The countries with the highest GDPs include Norway, Switzerland, the United States, and Saudi Arabia among others.

What is the lowest GDP in the world?

In 2019, South Sudan once again reported the lowest per-capita GDP ever, closely-followed by Burundi and Malawi. All three countries struggle economically, because of poorly developed infrastructure and a low standard of living.

What cities have the highest GDP?

These are: Guangzhou ($248.985 billion), Shenzhen ($234.131 billion), Tianjin ($233.191 billion), Suzhou ($210.161 billion), and Chongqing ($206.408 billion). Of these cities, Guangzhou has the highest GDP at $248,985,000,000.

What state has the most GDP?

California is the largest economy today – it has a state GDP of $2.6 trillion, which is comparable to the United Kingdom.