What is the formula of radium iodide?

Radium Iodide RaI2 Molecular Weight — EndMemo.

Is Radium iodide ionic or covalent?

Most radium compounds are therefore simple ionic compounds, though participation from the 6s and 6p electrons (in addition to the valence 7s electrons) is expected due to relativistic effects and would enhance the covalent character of radium compounds such as RaF2 and RaAt2.

What is the chemical name of Ag2S?

Disilver sulphide

PubChem CID 30686
Molecular Formula Ag2HS
Synonyms 21548-73-2 SILVER(I) SULFIDE Ag2S Silver(I)Sulfide Silver sulfide (Ag2S) More…
Molecular Weight 248.81
Component Compounds CID 23954 (Silver) CID 402 (Hydrogen sulfide)

Which compound is a molecular compound?

Molecular compounds are inorganic compounds that take the form of discrete molecules. Examples include such familiar substances as water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2). These compounds are very different from ionic compounds like sodium chloride (NaCl).

What is the formula of barium perchlorate?

Ba(ClO4)2·3 H2O
Barium perchlorate/Formula

What is pitchblende used for?

Pitchblende was firstly extracted for production of colouring agents used in the glassmaking industry. The German chemist Klaproth in 1789 detected uranium by analysing pitchblende.

What would be the chemical formula for the combination of ca2+ and no3?

Calcium nitride
Calcium nitride is a red-brown, crystalline solid made up of calcium and nitrogen. Its chemical formula is Ca3N2 .

What is the molecular formula for rubidium iodide?

Molecular Formula. RbI or IRb. Synonyms. Rubidium iodide. 7790-29-6. Rubidium iodide (RbI) UNII-18CYW0VL2X. Rubidium monoiodide.

What kind of ion is an iodide compound?

An Iodide is truly an ion I−. In Chemistry, they are the compounds with iodine in formal oxidation number −1. It is most ordinarily used as a component of iodized salt in daily life. And it is one of the foremost important monatomic anions.

What kind of liquid is Barium iodide soluble in?

Barium iodide is a unique chemical that exists both as a hydrate and anhydrous solid. The hydrate form of barium iodide is soluble in various liquids like water, ethanol, and acetone. They are the orthorhombic crystals which are white in colour and are also odourless.