What is the formula of areas for rhombus?

Area of Rhombus Formula

Formulas to Calculate Area of Rhombus
Using Diagonals A = ½ × d1 × d2
Using Base and Height A = b × h
Using Trigonometry A = b2 × Sin(a)

What are the two formulas for area of rhombus?

The area of the rhombus can be calculated by the following rhombus formulas:

  • When length of the diagonals are given, Area of a rhombus formula = 1/2 × d1 × d2. d 2.
  • When the length of the side of the rhombus and interior angle are given, Area of rhombus formula = a2 × sin x.

What are the 8 properties of rhombus?

Properties of Rhombus

  • All sides of the rhombus are equal.
  • The opposite sides of a rhombus are parallel.
  • Opposite angles of a rhombus are equal.
  • In a rhombus, diagonals bisect each other at right angles.
  • Diagonals bisect the angles of a rhombus.
  • The sum of two adjacent angles is equal to 180 degrees.

What is the property of a rhombus?

It follows that any rhombus has the following properties: Opposite angles of a rhombus have equal measure. The two diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular; that is, a rhombus is an orthodiagonal quadrilateral. Its diagonals bisect opposite angles.

What are the 5 properties of a square?


  • The diagonals of a square bisect each other and meet at 90°.
  • The diagonals of a square bisect its angles.
  • Opposite sides of a square are both parallel and equal in length.
  • All four angles of a square are equal (each being 360°/4 = 90°, a right angle).
  • All four sides of a square are equal.

How do you determine the area of a rhombus?

The area of a rhombus: To find the area of a rhombus, multiply the lengths of the two diagonals and divide by 2 (same as multiplying by 1/2): The sides and angles of a rhombus: The sides of a rhombus are all congruent (the same length.)

What are the measurements of a rhombus?

Explanation: Rhombus is a quadrilateral whose all sides are equal. As it has 4 sides, all sides are equal and its perimeter is 28 cm., Length of each side of rhombus is 28 4 = 7 cm.

How is the area of a rhombus derived?

Area of a rhombus can be derived in 3 ways: Using diagonals – A = ½ × d1 × d2. Using Base and Height – A = b × h. Using trigonometry – A = b2 × Sin (a).

What are the rules of rhombus?

Rhombus. A rhombus is a parallelogram with 4 congruent or equal sides. A rhombus has the following rules: (1) All the rules of a parallelogram. (2) Four sides that have the same length. (3) Diagonals that intersect at right angles. (4) Diagonals that bisect opposite pairs of angles.