What is the European social dialogue?

European social dialogue refers to discussions, consultations, negotiations and joint actions involving organisations representing the two sides of industry (employers and workers). It takes two main forms: a bipartite dialogue between the European employers and trade union organisations.

What is bipartite social dialogue?

Bipartite social dialogue between employers and workers can be done through formal or informal dialogue, and its results range from practical workplace solutions to formal collective agreements. Collective bargaining can take place at the national, sectoral or enterprise level.

What is a European Commission communication?

The Directorate-General for Communication is the Commission department responsible for explaining EU policies to outside audiences. It keeps the Commission abreast of political developments and of trends in public opinion and the media.

What is the main goal of the European Commission?

Goals. The goals of the European Union are: promote peace, its values and the well-being of its citizens. offer freedom, security and justice without internal borders.

What are the benefits of social dialogue?

Benefits of Social Dialogue

  • Reduces inequality / Improves working conditions (click here for more)
  • Enhances participatory democracy (click here for more)
  • Provides legitimacy and ownership to public policies (click here for more)
  • Offers protection (click here for more)

What is social dialogue in South Africa?

Social dialogue refers to all types of negotiation, consultation and exchange of information between or among representatives of, employers, workers and governments on issues of common interest in the field of economic and social policy.

What is meant by social dialogue?

Social dialogue is defined by the ILO to include all types of negotiation, consultation or simply exchange of information between, or among, representatives of governments, employers and workers, on issues of common interest relating to economic and social policy.

What is social dialogue in the workplace?

Social dialogue (or social concertation) is the process whereby social partners (trade unions and employer organisations) negotiate, often in collaboration with the government, to influence the arrangement and development of work-related issues, labour market policies, social protection, taxation or other economic …

Are EU Communications binding?

The EU Treaties do not contain any specific provisions on communication policy. However, the Charter, rendered binding by the Treaty of Lisbon, has the same legal status as the Treaties.

How does the European Commission make decisions?

Commission decides Depending on its level of political importance, an initiative for a new policy or law is either agreed on by the Commission during the Commissioners’ weekly meetings, using the oral procedure, or by written procedure.

What is the motto for the EU?

United in diversity
“United in diversity”, the motto of the European Union, first came into use in 2000. It signifies how Europeans have come together, in the form of the EU, to work for peace and prosperity, while at the same time being enriched by the continent’s many different cultures, traditions and languages.

What are the three main aims of the EU?

The Treaty of Lisbon set out the aims of the European Union:

  • To promote peace and the well-being of EU citizens.
  • To offer EU citizens freedom, security and justice, without internal borders, while also controlling external borders.

What is the role of social dialogue in the EU?

In May 2021, the Porto Social Commitment (signed by the Commission, Parliament and European social partners) and the European Council Porto Declaration both underlined the key role of social dialogue.

Is the European Social Dialogue Committee for the postal sector funded?

In the framework of the European social dialogue committee for the postal sector, the European social partners have launched a project on ‘Postal Skills and Work Environment in the Digital Era’ co-funded by the European Commission, which will run for 2 years (24 months) from February 2020 onwards.

Who was involved in the Val Duchesse social dialogue?

The Val Duchesse social dialogue process, initiated in 1985 by Commission President Jacques Delors, aimed to involve the social partners, represented by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), the Union of Industries of the European Community (UNICE) and the European Centre of Public Enterprises (CEEP), in the internal market process.

When was the Quadripartite Agreement for Social Dialogue signed?

In June 2016, a quadripartite agreement which reaffirmed the fundamental role of European social dialogue in the EU’s policy-making process, including in the European Semester, was signed by the social partners, the Commission and the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.