What is the country abbreviation for Canada?

Appendix DISO Country Codes for Selected Countries

Country Two-letter Abbreviation
Canada CA
Cape Verde CV
Central African Republic CF
Chad TD

What is the 3 letter code for Canada?

Country Codes Alpha-2 & Alpha-3

Country Alpha-2 code Numeric
Cameroon CM 120
Canada CA 124
Cayman Islands (the) KY 136
Central African Republic (the) CF 140

What is the meaning of SGP?


Acronym Definition
SGP Signaling Gateway Process
SGP Stability and Growth Pact (aka Growth and Stability Pact)
SGP Split Goods Placement (UN Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport)
SGP Scottish Green Party

What is the full form of SGP?

SGP – Single Ground Point.

What is the country code?

Country Codes

Afghanistan 93 AF / AFG
Albania 355 AL / ALB
Algeria 213 DZ / DZA
American Samoa 1-684 AS / ASM

What is Toronto abbreviation?

“Trt”, short form abbreviation for Toronto.

What country abbreviation is de?

European Union (EU)

Belgium (BE) Greece
Czechia (CZ) France
Denmark (DK) Croatia
Germany (DE) Italy
Estonia (EE) Cyprus

Is there a 3 letter country code for Canada?

This list of countries and abbreviations was also published by the United Nations. While the 2-letter system is widely accepted internationally, you also see the 3-letter country abbreviation codes, like CAN for Canada, used by computers and world organizations. Find all the different 2-letter and 3-letter country codes organized by continent.

What is the code for formerly used country names?

ISO 3166-3 – Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions – Part 3: Code for formerly used names of countries defines codes for country names which have been deleted from ISO 3166-1 since its first publication in 1974.

What are the abbreviations for the provinces of Canada?

Two-Letter Abbreviation; Alberta: AB: British Columbia: BC: Manitoba: MB: New Brunswick: NB: Newfoundland and Labrador: NL: Northwest Territories: NT: Nova Scotia: NS: Nunavut: NU: Ontario: ON: Prince Edward Island: PE: Quebec: QC: Saskatchewan: SK: Yukon: YT

Are there 2 or 3 letter abbreviations for countries?

List of Country Abbreviations While the 2-letter system is widely accepted internationally, you also see the 3-letter country abbreviation codes, like CAN for Canada , used by computers and world organizations.