What is the chemical structure of cardiac glycosides?
The basic structure of cardiac glycosides is composed of a sterol nucleus and an unsaturated conjugated lactone ring attached to the C17 position, then formed by condensation of a hydroxyl group at the C3 position of the nucleus with a sugar.
What is Bufadienolide in pharmacognosy?
Bufadienolide is a chemical compound with steroid structure. Both bufadienolides and their glycosides are toxic; specifically, they can cause an atrioventricular block, bradycardia (slow heartbeat), ventricular tachycardia (a type of rapid heartbeat), and possibly lethal cardiac arrest.
Which drugs contain Bufadienolide?
Chan Su Extract. It also known as Venenum bufonis, is an extract traditionally used in Chinese medicine and applied topically for anesthetic effect and as an antiarrhythmic drug. The active ingredient is bufadienolides, such as bufalin, cinobufagin, and resibufogenin.
What is the difference between Cardenolides and bufadienolides?
is that cardenolide is (organic chemistry) any of many steroid lactones present in plants as glycosides; they are all toxic, affecting the heart while bufadienolide is (steroid|poison) any of a class of toxic steroids present in some plants and secreted by some toads through the skin as a defense; sometimes present as …
Which are cardiac glycosides?
Cardiac glycosides are a class of medications that inhibit the Na+ K+ ATPase enzyme, increasing the force of heart contractions. The most commonly prescribed cardiac glycoside is digoxin, which can be used to treat atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, and congestive heart failure.
Which plant produces cardiac glycosides?
Cardiac glycosides are found in several plants, including the leaves of the digitalis (foxglove) plant. This plant is the original source of this medicine. People who eat a large amount of these leaves may develop symptoms of an overdose.
What are anthraquinone glycosides?
Anthraquinone glycosides are a series of major active ingredients found in all three species. They are key intermediates in the anthraquinone secondary metabolism and the sennnoside biosynthesis. The variation of the anthraquinone glycoside content in rhubarb in response to specific factors remains an attractive topic.
What is the important pharmacological activity of digitalis?
Digitalis slows the heart through vagal and direct myocardial effects, thus the salutory effect in arrhythmias.
Is strophanthus a cardiac glycoside?
Strophanthus has been used medicinally as a cardiac stimulant and in the treatment of peptic ulcer and snakebites. The plant contains toxic alkaloids and cardiac glycosides (e.g., g-strophanthin (ouabain), k-strophanthin, and e-strophanthin).
Which are the right reagent for the detection of Cardioactive glycosides?
sulphuric acid test: To 1ml of the extracts, 1ml of conc. sulphuric acid was added and allowed to stand for 2 min. a reddish color precipitate indicates the presence of glycosides.
What are cardiac glycosides Slideshare?
Cardiac glycosides • The cardiac glycosides are often called digitalis or digitalis glycosides. They are a group of chemically similar compounds that can increase the contractility of the heart muscle and, therefore, are used in treating heart failure.