What is the characteristics of serpentine?

Physical Properties of Serpentine
Chemical Classification Silicate
Luster Greasy or waxy
Diaphaneity Translucent to opaque, rarely transparent
Cleavage Poor to perfect

How do you identify serpentine in the thin section?

  1. Relief: Low-Moderate positive.
  2. Habit/Form: Fibrous serpentine is typically chrysotile and it commonly forms veins with fibers across the width or matted masses.
  3. Color: Colorless to pale green.
  4. Pleochroism: Absent to weak.
  5. Cleavage: Perfect basal cleavage {001} is characteristic of all sheet silicates.

What is the hardness of serpentine?

3 – 6
Serpentine subgroup/Hardness (Mohs hardness scale)

What is serpentine good for?

Serpentine assists the conscious direction of healing energy toward problem areas. It corrects mental and emotional imbalances, helping you to feel more in control of your life. Serpentine treats diabetes and hypoglycemia. It eliminates parasites within the body, and aids in the absorption of calcium and magnesium.

What is the texture of serpentine?

Serpentinite has a mottled greenish color, has the look & feel of hard candle wax, and ranges in texture from crystalline to “foliated”. Many serpentinites have a foliated look to them, but it’s really not due to an alignment of crystals.

What minerals are in serpentine?

Serpentine rock is primarily composed of one or more of the three magnesium silicate minerals, “lizardite,” “chrysotile,” and “antigorite.” Chrysotile often occurs as fibrous veinlets in serpentine. Chrysotile in fibrous form is the most common type of asbestos.

How do you identify serpentine?

Serpentine rock is apple-green to black and is often mottled with light and dark colored areas. Its surfaces often have a shiny or wax-like appearance and a slightly soapy feel. Serpentine is usually fine-grained and compact but may be granular, platy, or fibrous in appearance.

What color is serpentine?

Serpentine Information

Data Value
Colors White, yellowish, shades of green. Yellowish green, brownish green, blueish white to blueish green, brownish red. Some varieties have color banding.
Luster Resinous; greasy: pearly; waxy; earthy.
Hardness 2.5; williamsite 4.5, bowenite 4-6.
Fracture Fibrous

Is serpentine metamorphic or igneous?

Serpentine is considered by geoscientists to be the metamorphosed remains of magnesium-rich igneous rocks, most commonly the rock peridotite, from the earth’s mantle.

Is serpentine magnetic?

Serpentine may also form in contact metamorphosed carbonate rocks. It is easy to make sure that they mostly do contain lots of tiny magnetite crystals because serpentine grains are usually highly susceptible to magnetic field although the mineral itself is not magnetic at all.

What is serpentine energy?

Serpentine helps us access our Kundalini Energy which is an ancient Tantra teaching that involves a vibration that sits at the base of our spine. While dormant, this energy is believed to be coiled up, much like a serpent. Once released, an effect known as a Kundalini Awakening will begin to take place.

What type of rock is serpentine?

Serpentinite is a metamorphic rock that forms at tectonic plate boundaries deep within the Earth.