What is the cause of galactorrhea?

Galactorrhea often results from having too much prolactin — the hormone responsible for milk production when you have a baby. Prolactin is produced by your pituitary gland, a small bean-shaped gland at the base of your brain that secretes and regulates several hormones.

What is the cure for galactorrhea?

Use a medication to shrink the tumor or have surgery to remove it. Try a medication, such as bromocriptine (Cycloset, Parlodel) or cabergoline, to lower your prolactin level and minimize or stop milky nipple discharge. Side effects of these medications commonly include nausea, dizziness and headaches.

Is galactorrhea cancerous?

In cases where a pituitary tumor causes galactorrhea, the tumor is usually benign (not cancerous). If the tumor does not cause any other complications, your doctor may determine that treatment is unnecessary.

What Colour is galactorrhea?

The main symptom of galactorrhea is a milky white discharge from one or both nipples. Sometimes, the discharge is yellow or greenish in color.

What doctor treats breast discharge?

A gynecologist is a specialist you need for the treatment of nipple discharge.

Can galactorrhea cause infertility?

The most common cause of galactorrhea is overproduction of the hormone prolactin (hyperprolactinemia) due to a tumor in the pituitary gland. Hyperprolactinemia can cause galactorrhea, or unexpected milk production, and infertility in both men and women.

Does galactorrhea cause weight gain?

This study confirms previous observations that recent weight gain in women is preceded by important life-events and is associated with galactorrhea and increased prolactin levels in a number of them. Besides, it provides evidence that the increased prolactin levels are due to reduced hypothalamic dopaminergic tone.

How common is galactorrhea?

Galactorrhea, or inappropriate lactation, is a relatively common problem that occurs in approximately 20 to 25 percent of women. Lactation requires the presence of estrogen, progesterone and, most importantly, prolactin.

What is oncologist doctor?

Oncology is the study of cancer. An oncologist is a doctor who treats cancer and provides medical care for a person diagnosed with cancer.

What infection causes breast discharge?

Nipple discharge that contains pus may indicate an infection in your breast. This is also known as mastitis. Mastitis is usually seen in women who are breastfeeding. But it can develop in women who are not lactating.