What is the best millet for doves?
German millet has rapidly replaced sunflowers, corn and other grain producing crops as the plant of choice for doves and dove hunters. In North Carolina, Rowe says the plant can be used with spectacular results, and it can be used legally to attract doves.
What kind of millet do doves like?
Mourning dove primarily eat seeds and are attracted to fields where their preferred seeds are abundantly available. Some of their preferred crop seeds include corn, foxtail millet, hemp, Japanese millet, peanut, sorghum and wheat.
What is the best thing to plant for doves?
TYPES OF PLANTINGS A number of agricultural plantings are attractive to doves, including: browntop millet, dove proso, grain sorghum, corn, peanuts, soybeans, sunflowers, wheat, and many others. However, wheat, browntop millet, corn, sunflowers, and dove proso are some of the best choices for planting in dove fields.
Is millet good for dove?
Doves are attracted to the seeds produced by many warm season crops, like the sorghum shown above. There are several crops that can be planted right now that are very effective tools to attract doves to your land. Millet, corn, sorghum, sesame, and soybeans are all good options for mid-summer planting.
What is the best food plot for Dove?
Dove Food Plot sites are best located next to woods, vacant fields, and natural habitats. Some of the crops that attract dove are millets, chufas, corn, peanuts, sesame herbage, sesbana, vetch, partridge peas, buckwheat, and tartary buckwheat.
What is the best bait for doves?
Corn is king for doves, but a mixture of food, such as corn and sunflowers, will often attract more birds to your hunting setup. Typically, doves like to scope out the ground for predators before they commit to landing in a field.
How do you plant brown top millet for doves?
Brown top millet however is ready for harvest in about 60 days and a mid-June planting will be ready to cut about mid-August. I would consider that to be just barely enough time for opening day. Plow the field before planting so you can get seed contact with the soil. Broadcast seed at a rate of 25-30 pounds per acre.
When should you plant millet for doves?
Seeding Date: In the spring after danger of frost when soil temperatures stabilize at 65° F or higher at a 4” soil depth through late summer. Depth: 1/4” – 1/2” (stand failures will result from seed planted too shallow or too deep). Fertilizer: Soil testing is highly recommended.
What is the best food plot for dove?
What can I use golden German foxtail millet for?
Golden German Foxtail Millet is most commonly used for exotic bird feed, dove fields, livestock forage and food plots for deer, turkey, quail, dove and other wildlife. Golden German Foxtail Millet is commonly referred to as “German Millet”. Product Information
What kind of millet do you use for Doves?
German millet is an improved variety used for silage, pasture and green-chop. Sunflowers and grain sorghum are other popular crops to grow for doves. An advantage to growing sorghum is that it serves as vertical cover for quail. Mowing a short strip through the field is common practice in sorghum and sunflowers.
Is it legal to plant German millet for Doves?
If traditional agricultural grain crops like corn, milo or wheat, has been planted and harvested in a normal manner, that field is legal for dove shoots. The same standards apply for non-traditional agriculture crops like German millet.
How tall does German foxtail millet grass grow?
German foxtail millet, setaria italica, is an annual warm-season grass that grows to a height of 2-5 feet under cultivation. It has broad, flat leaves that grow 8-16 inches long, which taper to a sharp point.