What is the administrative distance of Eigrp?


Routing protocol Administrative distance
External BGP 20
Internal EIGRP 90
IGRP 100
OSPF 110

What is the administrative distance of Ebgp route?

EBGP has an administrative distance of 20. OSPF has an administrative distance of 110. This diagram shows three ASs and the routing protocols used by the BGP routers.

What is the administrative distance of directly connected route?

Connected routes always take precedence over static or dynamically discovered routes because they have the administrative distance value of 0 (the lowest possible value).

What is administrative distance in routing protocols?

Administrative distance is the feature that routers use in order to select the best path when there are two or more different routes to the same destination from two different routing protocols. Administrative distance defines the reliability of a routing protocol.

Which one has a highest administrative distance?

Administrative Distance (AD) is a numeric value which can range from 0 to 255. A smaller Administrative Distance (AD) is more trusted by a router, therefore the best Administrative Distance (AD) being 0 and the worst, 255.

How do I set administrative distance in Eigrp?

The lower the better…as you can see EIGRP has a lower administrative distance (90) than OSPF (110) so we will use EIGRP in my example. Keep in mind: The administrative distance is only local and can be different for each router….How to configure Administrative Distance.

Source Administrative Distance
EIGRP summary 5
External BGP 20
IGRP 100

What is the administrative distance of static routing?

By default, static routes have an administrative distance of 1, making them preferable to routes learned from dynamic routing protocols.

What route has the lowest administrative distance?

Answers Explanation & Hints: The most believable route or the route with the lowest administrative distance is one that is directly connected to a router.

What is the lowest administrative distance?

A directly connected will always have the lowest, at 0. A static route will always have an AD of 1, EIGRP is 90, and OSPF is 110.

What is the administrative distance between Rip and EIGRP?

Since EIGRP has an administrative distance of 90 and RIP has an AD of 120, R1 will place the route from R3 in its routing table (remember, the lower AD number indicates a better route). R1 will send all packets destined for the route to R3.

How does EIGRP work with feasible succesor?

Another two terms that appear often in the EIGRP world are successor and feasible successor. A successor is the route with the best metric to reach a destination. That route is stored in the routing table. A feasible successor is a backup path to reach that same destination that can be used immediately if the successor route fails.

What are the metrics used to calculate EIGRP?

EIGRP uses Reliable Transport Protocol (RTP) for sending messages. EIGRP calculates its metric by using bandwidth, delay, reliability and load. By default, only bandwidth and delay are used when calulating metric, while reliability and load are set to zero. EIGPR uses the concept of autonomous systems.

Do you have to be a neighbor to an EIGRP router?

Each router inside an autonomous system must have the same autonomous system number configured, otherwise routers will not become neighbors. EIGRP must establish neighbor relationships with other EIGRP neighboring routers before exchanging routing information.