What is the 18 week RTT pathway?

“The 18 weeks Referral to Treatment (RTT) standard will address the whole patient care pathway, from receipt of a GP referral, up to the point at which each patient is actually admitted to hospital for treatment”.

What stops the RTT clock?

An RTT clock stops when first definitive treatment takes place (this could be either in an interface service or a consultant-led service). First definitive treatment is defined as being ‘an intervention intended to manage a patient’s disease, condition or injury and avoid further intervention’.

What is the operational standard for delivery of 18 weeks?

The tolerances provided by the national 18 weeks operational standards (a minimum of 90 percent for admitted patients and 95 percent for non-admitted patients to start treatment within 18 weeks) are for patients who choose to wait longer or for whom this is clinically appropriate.

When can an RTT clock be nullified?

7 Rule 3e – If a patient DNAs their first appointment following the initial referral that started their RTT clock, provided that the provider can demonstrate that the appointment was clearly communicated to the patient, this will stop and nullify the RTT clock (for further information, refer to section 5.4).

What are NHS patient pathways?

NHS Pathways is a suite of clinical assessment content for triaging telephone calls from the public, based on the symptoms they report when they call. NHS Pathways enables a specially designed clinical assessment to be carried out by the trained person answering the call.

What is a RTT pathway?

An RTT pathway is the length of time that a patient waited from referral to start of treatment, or if they have not yet started treatment, the length of time that a patient has waited so far.

What is a patient pathway NHS?

The specific route that a particular PATIENT takes from the first REFERRAL REQUEST RECEIVED DATE of a SERVICE REQUEST or the ACTIVITY DATE of the first emergency ACTIVITY where there is no related SERVICE REQUEST.

When recording a referral What should the date and time reflect?

3.1 To manage an effective referral to treatment care pathway, information systems need to record the time and date a referral comes to the Trust, when a patient is seen, the reason why they are seen, discharges or any further appointments made.

What is urgent referral?

An urgent referral means that the patient will be offered an appointment at a hospital within two weeks. It is important when sending a referral letter that it is marked clearly as urgent or non-urgent.