What is spasticity Slideshare?

• Spasticity is motor disorder that is characterized by velocity dependent increase in tonic stretch reflexes (muscle tone) with exaggerated tendon jerks, resulting from hyper excitability of the stretch reflex, as one component of the upper motor neuron syndrome. J.W.Lance(1980)

What is spasticity in physiotherapy?

Spasticity is increased resistance felt on a passive stretch of a muscle caused by damage to part of the central nervous system (the brain or spinal cord) that controls voluntary movements. Spasticity is also accompanied by muscle weakness and sensory loss as well as pain and soft tissue contractures.

How do you measure spasticity?

Spasticity is characterized by abnormally high muscle tone, which often asymmetrically affects antagonistic muscle groups. It is both amplitude and velocity dependent and is therefore best assessed using rapid movements of the relevant joint to effect abrupt stretching of the muscle group involved.

What is muscle tone Physiopedia?

Muscle Tone Tone is the resistance of muscles to passive stretch or elongation, basically the amount of tension a muscle has at rest. Normal tone is high enough to resist the effects of gravity in both posture and movement yet low enough to allow freedom of movement.

How do you manage spasticity?

Spasticity can be reduced by:

  1. Performing stretching exercises daily. Prolonged stretching can make muscles longer, helping to decrease spasticity and prevent contracture.
  2. Splinting, casting, and bracing. These methods are used to maintain range of motion and flexibility.

How can physiotherapy reduce spasticity in stroke patients?

This includes:

  1. Standing. Standing frame. Treadmill training (body-weight supported if needed) Tilt table.
  2. Active exercises.
  3. Passive movements.
  4. Functional electrical stimulation.
  5. 24 hour positioning management.
  6. Splinting and the use of orthotics.
  7. Stretches.

Does exercise help spasticity?

Spasticity involves rigid muscles and muscle stiffness that stems from miscommunication between the brain and muscles after a neurological injury. Exercise is a great treatment for spasticity because it sparks neuroplasticity and helps repair the communication between the brain and muscles.

How does weight bearing reduce spasticity?

Any weight bearing of the upper extremity either at the wall, table, or floor helps sends signals to the brain that reminds it the arm is still there. Strengthening can improve spasticity in two ways. By strengthening the antagonist (opposing) muscle, it can help inhibit the reaction of the spastic muscle.

How does exercise help spasticity?

How do physical therapists reduce spasticity?

How does spasticity help in the rehabilitation process?

Spasticity does not always cause harm and can occasionally assist in the rehabilitation process by enabling a patient to stand when their limb weakness would not otherwise allow it. 16.

How can thermotherapy be used to treat spasticity?

34.  Thermotherapy • Thermotherapy decrease muscle tone, reduce muscle spasms and increase the pain threshold in patient with spasticity.

What is the pathophysiology of spasticity after SCI?

PATHOPHYSIOLOGY • Immediately after SCI, there are depressed spinal reflexes during state of spinal shock, followed by development of hyperreflexia and spasticity over the following weeks to month.

Which is the best muscle to treat spasticity?

• Application to tibialis anterior muscle or to the common paroneal nerve have been shown to reduce spasticity in platerflexor muscles and ankle clonus.