What is SIU shipping?

The Seafarers International Union or SIU is an organization of 12 autonomous labor unions of mariners, fishermen and boatmen working aboard vessels flagged in the United States or Canada.

How long is the SIU program?

What is the curriculum? The Unlicensed Apprentice (UA) Program is approximately one year long, and includes a combination of classroom training at the SHLSS, as well as an apprenticeship on board a vessel.

How much do seafarers make?

Average earnings of all types of seafarers averaged $43,480 per year, as of 2019, according to the BLS. A seafarers salary per month works out to an average of $3,623 per month. Those at the highest end of the pay scale average about $75,520 per year, according to the bureau.

How do I join the merchant marine union?

The following are some steps you can take if you are interested in becoming a merchant mariner.

  1. Choose your desired career path.
  2. Apply for a TWIC.
  3. Get a physical and drug screening.
  4. Apply for an MMC.
  5. Participate in an Apprenticeship program.

Who are seafarers?

Seafarers are, inter alia, persons who have been employed by a shipowner to do ship service on board a ship at sea, i.e. work performed by persons taking part in the ship’s operation and maintenance as well as the provisioning of those on board.

Who is the president of the Seafarers International Union?

Michael Sacco
Michael Sacco is president of the Seafarers International Union of North America, AFL-CIO – a federation of 12 autonomous unions representing 80,000 merchant mariners; industrial, service and government workers; and others in various professions.

How much does it cost to join SIU?

How much does it cost?

Annual Membership Price Monthly Payment
Primary $492 $41
Primary + One $742 $61.84
Add a Child(ren)* +$110 each +$9.16 each

How much does a merchant seaman make a month?

Merchant Marine Salary

Annual Salary Monthly Pay
Top Earners $92,000 $7,666
75th Percentile $65,000 $5,416
Average $53,955 $4,496
25th Percentile $35,000 $2,916

Do merchant Marines carry weapons?

Under international law, merchant vessels and their crews have the right to carry arms for self defense if that is required for the vessel to exercise its freedom of navigation. Self-defense measures include providing weapons and training to the crew and/or hiring armed guards to allow the vessel to navigate.

When was the Seafarers International Union ( SIU ) founded?

While the SIU was formally chartered on October 14, 1938, its origins trace back even further to the International Seamen’s Union (ISU) and the Sailors’ Union of the Pacific (SUP). Without the dissolution of the former and the perseverance of the latter, there would likely be no SIU.

How can I become a member of the SIU?

If you already have your merchant mariner credential/z-card and TWIC – and are not currently an SIU member – and are interested in joining the SIU, please contact the nearest SIU hall or visit the MyMaritimeCareer website. For a list of halls, click here.

When was the International Seamen’s Union first founded?

The International Seamen’s Union was created in Chicago in 1892 as the first attempt to unite the smaller, regional maritime labor unions within the United States under the banner of the American Federation of Labor (AFL). One of these regional unions was the SUP, which itself was founded in 1885.

What kind of job can you get with Siu entry level training?

Graduates of the entry-level training program are guaranteed a first job aboard one of the SIU’s contracted vessels. The merchant marine is composed of men and women who crew U.S.-flag commercial vessels on the deep seas, inland waterways and Great Lakes.