What is site plan in Revit?

The site plan provides context for the building model. Define site settings. Define contour line intervals, select section cut material, and specify the poche depth for topography elements. In a site plan or a 3D view, create a topographical surface by picking points, importing 3D data, or importing a points file.

How do I import a CAD survey into Revit?

Link a DWG File and Use Shared Coordinates

  1. Specify coordinates for the Revit model.
  2. Click Insert tab Link panel (Link CAD).
  3. In the Link CAD Formats dialog, for Files of type, select DWG Files (*.
  4. Navigate to the folder that contains the file to link, and select the file.

How do I add floor plans in Revit?

Add another view to your project or duplicate an existing view.

  1. Click View tab Create panel Plan Views drop-down, and then click. (Floor Plan)
  2. In the New Plan dialog: For Type, select a view type from the list, or click Edit Type to modify an existing view type or create a new view type.
  3. Click OK.

How do I create a site plan in Revit 2021?

Create the Site Plan

  1. Define site settings.
  2. Create the toposurface.
  3. Rotate the project to True North.
  4. Specify property lines.
  5. Add a building pad.
  6. Grade the toposurface.
  7. Create parking lots, roads, and sidewalks.
  8. Add site components.

What is the difference between link CAD and import CAD in Revit?

When you import or link the DWG file, Revit displays the geometry from the nested xrefs. However, if the xref file is updated after the import, Revit will not automatically reflect changes to the xref file. If you link the file, Revit automatically updates the geometry to reflect changes to the xref files.

Can I open DWG file in Revit?

Revit supports the import of ACIS objects contained in DWG, DXF, DGN, and SAT files. You can incorporate a Trimble® SketchUp® design into a Revit project to provide a starting point for the building model. You can import 3D geometry from supported file formats and applications.

How do you create a site plan in Revit?

What is the difference between a site plan and a plot plan?

What is the difference between a site plan and a plot plan? A site plan shows the property lines and existing topography. A plot view shows both the property and the proposed new construction where as a site view does not.