What is Saltillo AAC?

Saltillo is dedicated to making personal communication possible to individuals who are unable to use their natural voice. 

What does AAC PRC mean?

The Center for AAC & Autism was established in 2009 by the Prentke Romich Company (PRC) to serve as a resource for those working to improve the language and communication skills of kids with autism.

What is NovaChat?

NOVA chat 8 Dedicated Plus is a dedicated speech device, designed solely for the purpose of speech generation. Like all “Chats,” NOVA chat 8 Dedicated Plus offers a durable yet sleek portable design, with features that include an 8″ display, switch scanning, IVONA speech synthesizer, and many other Chat features.

What company manufactures and sells the Nova chat 8 AAC device?

Saltillo offers full-featured communication devices that can be configured for different communication needs for a wide variety of individuals.

What does Saltillo mean?

glottal stop consonant
In Mexican linguistics, saltillo (Spanish, meaning “little skip”) is the word for a glottal stop consonant (IPA: [ʔ]). The name was given by the early grammarians of Classical Nahuatl. The spelling of the glottal stop with an apostrophe-like character most likely originates from transliterations of the Arabic hamza.

What is realize language?

Realize Language is a new online service that gives parents and professionals powerful ways to monitor, measure, and maximize a child’s use of an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) speech device. Many AAC devices automatically collect data when the device is used.

What are PRC devices?

PRC’s AAC communication solutions offer advanced functionality and user-friendly features, making communication fast and easy. Featuring the Accent® 1400, Accent 1000 and Accent 800, PRC devices are ideal for users of all ages, and can accommodate multiple access methods.

What does Made in PRC stand for?

the People’s Republic of China
Several Chinese manufacturers have switched the “Made in China” label on their products to “Made in PRC,” which makes it harder for a shopper to instantly identify the country of origin. PRC or the People’s Republic of China is the official name of the country.

What company manufactures and sells the Accent 1000 AAC device?

Introducing The Next Generation Of The Accent 1000 – AAC & Speech Devices from PRC.

How much is Proloquo2Go?

Proloquo2Go can be used as a user’s sole AAC device or as a companion to the regular table top version. The current introductory price for Proloquo2Go is $149.99. After a few weeks it will go to its regular price of $199.99.

Where can you find a list of AAC vendors?

AAC/AT Vendor List

  • Ablenet. Online vendor of assistive technology, accessories, computer software, and curricula.
  • AAC Intervention. Privately run site with free AAC information and activities for purchase.
  • Active Forever.
  • Adaptivation.
  • Advanced Multimedia Devices (AMDi)
  • Assistivetech.net.
  • Beyond Play.
  • BigKeys Keyboards.

How many years of AAC experience does PRC Saltillo have?

Experience the life-changing joy of meaningful communication through our world-renowned, customized AAC vocabularies, assistive technology, and our unmatched training and personalized support. Trust our 50+ years of AAC experience to guide you to the right communication solution.

When is the deadline for PRC Saltillo insurance?

Commercial insurance only orders must be COMPLETE and received by PRC-Saltillo on or before November 6, 2020 to allow for submission to the insurance company. Please note: this deadline does not guarantee processing and shipment of the AAC device before December 31, 2020.

Where can I get funding for my Saltillo device?

Funding is available for your Saltillo device! To better serve our customers, the PRC-Saltillo Funding Department is staffed with experienced professionals who help people with disabilities acquire the products and services that help them meet their needs to communicate.

What are speech augmentative and alternative communication ( AAC ) systems?

Speech-generating devices (SGDs), also known as voice output communication aids, are electronic augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems used to supplement or replace speech or writing for individuals with severe speech impairments, enabling them to verbally communicate their needs.
