What is s metolachlor?

Metolachlor or S-metolachlor is a selective and systemic herbicide which control weeds by inhibiting the synthesis of long chain fatty acids. Metolachlor is one of the widely used herbicides on corn in Minnesota, and is also labeled for use on soybeans, potatoes, sugar beets, sunflowers, and tomatoes.

What is the difference between S metolachlor and metolachlor?

S-metolachlor has more weed control activity pound-for-pound than metolachlor. Metolachlor is comprised of two isomer pairs, an S-isomer pair and an R-isomer pair at a 1:1 ratio (50% each). Generic metolachlor herbicide brands contain only the racemic (1:1 ratio) metolachlor.

What is diuron herbicide used for?

Diuron is an effective herbicide active ingredient that is used to treat invasive vegetation on both agricultural and non-agricultural sites. It is also useful in removing mildew as well as a reliable killer of algae on commercial water bodies.

Is metolachlor is a insecticide?

Metolachlor was registered with the EPA in 1976. It is a selective herbicide for the control of annual grass weeds, yellow nutsedge, and some broadleaf species.

What is the structural formula of atrazine?


How is atrazine applied?

Atrazine can be applied to the soil surface either before or after planting, incorporated into the soil prior to planting, or sprayed on corn and weeds, postemergence. It is absorbed through the roots of corn plants and weeds, but corn plants can detoxify atrazine and are seldom affected by root absorption.

Is metolachlor a pesticide?

In the Midwestern Corn Belt, metolachlor is among the top five most frequently detected pesticides in raw and finished surface water. A high percentage of surface water samples from numerous locations for several months post-application contain metolachlor.

What kind of chemical compound is metolachlor?

Dual, Pimagram, Bicep, CGA-24705, Pennant. Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C [77 °F], 100 kPa).?) Metolachlor is an organic compound that is widely used as an herbicide. It is a derivative of aniline and is a member of the chloroacetanilide family of herbicides.

How is metolachlor used in the United States?

Metolachlor is a popular herbicide in the United States. As originally formulated metolachlor was applied as a racemate, a 1:1 mixture of the ( S )- and ( R )-stereoisomers. The ( R )-enantiomer is less active, and modern production methods afford a higher concentration of S-metolachlor, thus current application rates are far lower…

Which is the enantiomer of R-metolachlor?

S-Metolachlor. More… (S)-metolachlor is the (S)-enantiomer of 2-chloro-N- (2-ethyl-6-methylphenyl)-N- (1-methoxypropan-2-yl)acetamide. It is an enantiomer of a (R)- metolachlor.

What is the concentration of metolachlor in water?

Metolachlor has been detected in ground and surface waters in concentrations ranging from 0.08 to 4.5 parts per billion (ppb) throughout the U.S. It is classified as a Category C pesticide by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), which indicates limited evidence of carcinogenicity.