What is Reconcile in OpenRefine?

Overview​ Reconciliation is the process of matching your dataset with that of an external source. To reconcile your OpenRefine project against an external dataset, that dataset must offer a web service that conforms to the Reconciliation Service API standards.

What language is open refine?

The default is GREL (General Refine Expression Language); OpenRefine also comes with support for Clojure and Jython. Extensions may offer support for more expressions languages.

What is reconciliation API?

The Reconciliation API provides an interface to manage reconciliation schedules of services. You can: Get and set reconciliation schedules to a service. Modify the reconciliation schedules collection, which includes additions and deletions.

How do I undo in OpenRefine?

To Undo create columns, look just above the Diet Name cluster in the left side of the screen. Click where it says Undo / Redo. Click back one step (all steps, all changes are saved here).

What is OpenRefine?

OpenRefine, previously known as GoogleRefine, is a powerful, open source software which visualizes and manipulates large quantities of data all at once. OpenRefine looks like a spreadsheet, but operates like a database, allowing for increased discovery capabilities beyond programs like Microsoft Excel.

How do you use OpenRefine?

In OpenRefine, navigate to the menu on the left-hand side of the browser and select the “Create Project” tab. Choose the data file we just downloaded. The next screen you’ll see is a preview screen. This shows you how OpenRefine sees and your data and allows you to change settings before you import it.

What is metering of API?

Apprenda’s metering APIs allow developers to define transaction counters, block quantity counters, feature toggles, and feature thresholds to control application logic. This means that end user access to application functionality can be metered and controlled.

What makes a good API documentation?

Clarity and brevity support the learning process, and are a best practice for all kinds of documentation. Avoid jargon, if possible; users will be learning domain-related language and new technology, and jargon can instill confusion. Help them by making all descriptions as easy to understand as possible.

What is OpenRefine used for?

OpenRefine is an open-source desktop application for data cleanup and transformation to other formats, an activity commonly known as data wrangling. It is similar to spreadsheet applications, and can handle spreadsheet file formats such as CSV, but it behaves more like a database.

Who uses OpenRefine?

5 companies reportedly use OpenRefine in their tech stacks, including infoculture, APICrafter, and Courtsdesk.

What is OpenRefine known for?

What REST stands for?

representational state transfer
A REST API (also known as RESTful API) is an application programming interface (API or web API) that conforms to the constraints of REST architectural style and allows for interaction with RESTful web services. REST stands for representational state transfer and was created by computer scientist Roy Fielding.

How is Reconciliation Service used in OpenRefine?

OpenRefine’s Reconciliation service is used to semi-automate the process of matching data in OpenRefine fields with more authoritative data in external sources.

How is the cleaning process used in OpenRefine?

This process can be used to improve and standardize individual data fields or columns of data inside of OpenRefine. Or it can be used to extend the data in OpenRefine. For example: Match each name in a list of authors against an external authoritative list of authors.

What is the user manual for OpenRefine 3.4.1?

OpenRefine user manual This manual is designed to comprehensively walk through every aspect of setting up and using OpenRefine 3.4.1, including every interface function and feature. This user manual starts with instructions for installing or upgrading OpenRefine on Windows, Mac, and Linux computers.

How can I manually slect authors in OpenRefine?

By clicking the approriate single checkbox in each cell of the authors column, manually slect the most appropriate author for our topic. (Our topic is African American Authors everyone should read). Not every cell has an author for which you must make a selection. Cells 2, 10 need your intervention.