What is R5A zoning Whatcom County?

For example, a property that is zoned R5A is rural and has a base density of 1 dwelling unit per 5 acres. This can be verified by reviewing the maximum density and minimum lot size table for the rural district, which is found in section 20.36. 253 of the Whatcom County Zoning Ordinance.

How long does it take to get a building permit in Whatcom County?

12-14 days in unincorporated county area. Whatcom Co. In busy season, may be 6-7 weeks.

What is RF zoning?

Residential Flat (RF) Zones – RF-1 The purpose of the RF-1 zone is to provide for areas predominantly developed with attached row houses on small lots within which no more than 2 dwelling units are permitted.

What is land use code 91?

91 to 99. Undeveloped Land and Water Areas.

How much is a building permit in Whatcom County?

$70 permit fee for the first $2000 of value, plus $10 for each additional $1000 or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000.

How much does it cost to build a house in Whatcom County?

At a cost of $100 per square feet, the average size home will cost $233,000. Reduce that size by just 500 square feet and you’ve saved $50,000!

What does zoned R5 mean?

The R5 Large Lot Residential zone is described by the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (the Department) as providing ‘residential housing in a rural setting, often adjacent to towns or metropolitan areas’. This zone is a significant land use in the MidCoast.

What is C Zone property?

1. C-1 Neighborhood Commercial Zone. To provide sites for a mix of small local businesses appropriate for, and serving the daily needs of nearby residential neighborhoods; while establishing land use regulations that prevent significant adverse effects on abutting residential uses.

What is Zone rr20?

15.311. 01: RURAL RESIDENTIAL, 20 ACRE MINIMUM (RR-20): Purpose: This zone is intended to promote the development of single-family detached units at a density and character compatible with agricultural and other rural and suburban fringe uses with a minimum lot size of twenty (20) acres.