What is plasmapheresis for hypertriglyceridemia?

Plasmapheresis can be used for rapid removal of plasma lipoproteins. Reduction of TGs is the primary goal in patients who have HTG-associated pancreatitis. Correction of lipid levels is critical in patients who are at high risk of pancreatic necrosis and requiring intensive care.

What is a plasmapheresis procedure?

Plasmapheresis is a process in which the liquid part of the blood, or plasma, is separated from the blood cells. Typically, the plasma is replaced with another solution such as saline or albumin, or the plasma is treated and then returned to your body.

Is Plex the same as plasmapheresis?

A: Plasmapheresis (also known as apheresis, plasma exchange, or “plex”) is a medical procedure where a device separates whole blood into the cellular components and plasma. The plasma is then discarded and replaced with a colloid fluid, combined back with the cellular components, and returned to the same patient.

What causes hypertriglyceridemia?

Hypertriglyceridemia, a condition in which triglyceride levels are elevated, is a common disorder in the United States. It is often caused or exacerbated by uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, obesity, and sedentary habits, all of which are more prevalent in industrialized societies than in developing nations.

How does insulin reduce triglycerides?

Insulin decreases triglycerides by stimulating lipoprotein lipase activity, which degrades triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol [4, 10, 11, 13–15].

Why would a patient need plasmapheresis?

Plasmapheresis treats autoimmune diseases, toxins in the blood, neurological diseases, and very high levels of cholesterol that don’t lower with medications or dietary changes. Plasmapheresis removes antibodies against the person’s own body cells and tissues (autoantibodies) from the blood.

Is plasmapheresis same as dialysis?

Plasmapheresis is similar to dialysis; however, it removes the plasma portion of the blood where the antibodies are located.

What disease causes high triglycerides?

The most common causes of high triglycerides are obesity and poorly controlled diabetes. If you are overweight and are not active, you may have high triglycerides, especially if you eat a lot of carbohydrate or sugary foods or drink a lot of alcohol.