What is MSP 43?

1 VALUE CODES FL 39-41 Enter the value codes “12” to indicate Working Aged insurance, or “43” to indicate Disability insurance and the amount you were paid by the primary insurance.

What is an MSP type?

Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) refers to instances in which Medicare does not have primary responsibility for paying the medical expenses of a Medicare beneficiary. This is because the Medicare beneficiary may be entitled to other coverage, which should pay primary health benefits.

What is MSP type is working aged?

The working-age is a patient 65 and older who has an Employer Group Health Plan (EGHP) coverage through his or her employment or their spouse’s employment.

What is MSP insurance type code?

The MSP insurance type identifies the type of other insurance specific to the MSP provision that is the basis for the beneficiary’s MSP status. For claims billed electronically, the code is submitted in loop 2000B, within the SBR 05 segment of the ANSI X12 5010 format.

What is MSP code in Medicare?

Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) is the term generally used when the Medicare program does not have primary payment responsibility – that is, when another entity has the responsibility for paying before Medicare.

What is MSP reason code?

ESRD beneficiary with EGHP in MSP/ESRD 30-month coordination period. Primary Payer Code = B. No-Fault including automobile/other. Examples: Personal injury protection (PIP) and medical payment coverage….FISS only:

Code Description MSP VC
D No-Fault including Automobile/other insurance 14
E Workers’ Compensation (WC) 15

How many types of MSP are there?

Non-Group Health Plan MSP encompasses three different types of insurance: Liability, No-Fault, and Workers’ Compensation.

What are MSP codes?

MSP value codes and payer codes

MSP claim type Payer code (PC) Value code (VC)
Working aged A 12
End-stage renal disease (ESRD) B 13
No-fault D 14
Worker’s compensation (WC) E 15

What does MSP stand for in insurance?

Medicare Secondary Payer
Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) is the term generally used when the Medicare program does not have primary payment responsibility – that is, when another entity has the responsibility for paying before Medicare.

What is the MSP number?

Each B.C. resident enrolled with the Medical Services Plan (MSP) is given a unique lifetime identifier for health care called a Personal Health Number (PHN). Your PHN remains the same, regardless of any changes to personal status, and can be found on your BC Services Card.

How do I bill a MSP claim?

MSP claims are submitted using the ANSI ASC X12N 837 format, or by entering the claim directly into the Fiscal Intermediary Standard System (FISS) via Direct Data Entry (DDE). If you need access to FISS in order to enter claims/adjustments via FISS DDE, contact the CGS EDI department at 1.877.

What is MSP billing?