What is merindinlogun in Yoruba?

In the Yoruba system of counting Merindinlogun is the word for sixteen.

What is cowry Yoruba?

Ẹẹ́rìndínlógún (from the Yoruba owó mẹ́rìndínlógún “sixteen cowries”, literally “four taken from 20”) is a cowrie-shell divination method practiced in the Yoruba religion. In merindinlogun divination, the shells are thrown and the number of shells that fall with the opening facing up is associated with a certain odu.

What are cowries used for?

Cowrie shells are also worn as jewelry or otherwise used as ornaments or charms. In Mende culture, cowrie shells are viewed as symbols of womanhood, fertility, birth and wealth. Its underside is supposed, by one modern ethnographic author, to represent a vulva or an eye.

What is Kapardika?

Kapardika is the name given to small convolute glossy shells of variegated colours of oblong, oval shape varying in size7. Cowries shells were used in many area of medicines i.e. dyspepsia, jaundice, enlarged spleens and liver, asthma and cough8.

What is Owo Eyo?

Cowries that were perforated as a result of chipping or grinding were called owo eyo and these were arranged in strings to make a unit of currency, while unperforated ones were usually used in a ritual context and they were known as Owo Ero (Eluyemi,1977).

What is the spiritual meaning of cowrie shells?

Spiritual meaning. In African legend, a love of cowrie shells shows that you could be family to an ocean spirit of wealth and earth. It also represents the Goddess of protection in the ocean. In Africa, and in the Americas, the cowrie symbolized destiny and prosperity. Also thought of as the mouth of Orisha.

How were cowries used in Africa?

They also represented power in trade. Europeans in the 16th century were able to use cowries to enter the valuable African trade markets, where they used shells to buy goods, including people. In America, cowries appear in spirit bundles, as parts of jewelry, and on clothing, hinting at their use as amulets.

What is Tankan Bhasm?

Baidyanath Tankan Bhasma (Calcined Borax or Suhaga) is an ayurvedic-calcined formulation prepared from borax powder. In ayurveda, Tankan Bhasma or calcine borax is used for productive cough, breathing problems, wheezing, bronchitis, abdominal pain, menses pain, dandruff, bad breath and foul-smelling urine.

What is the use of Kamdudha Ras?

Kamdudha Ras relieves chronic acidity, heartburn, stomach ulcers and colic pains. It soothes hyperacidity, provides cooling relief in ulcers, stimulates production of digestive enzymes and boosts your digestive system.

What does the shell symbolize in Christianity?

The seashell, especially the scallop, is the symbol of baptism in Christianity. James used the scallop shell during his pilgrimage to beg for food and water. Even the poorest people could fill the small shell, so he always found help along his way.

What does it mean if someone gives you a shell?

Shells are connected with water as a symbol of fertility and with sea deities and are symbols of prosperity in the form of one generation rising out of the death of another or as a symbol of immortality in the form of shells as grave-gifts.

What are the beliefs of the Yoruba religion?

Yoruba religion is a blend of indigenous beliefs, myths and legends, proverbs, and songs, all influenced by the cultural and social contexts of the western portion of Africa. The Yoruba religion includes the concept of Ashe, a powerful life force possessed by humans and divine beings alike; Ashe is the energy found in all natural things.

Who is Olodumare in the Yoruba religion?

Olodumare, also known as Olorun, is an all-powerful figure, and isn’t limited by gender constraints. Usually the pronoun “they” is used when describing Olodumare, who doesn’t typically meddle in the everyday affairs of mortals. If someone wishes to communicate with Olodumare, they do so by asking the orishas to intercede on their behalf.

What was the role of the Yoruba Orishas?

Much like the saints of Catholicism, the Yoruba orishas work as the intermediaries between man and the supreme creator, and the rest of the divine world. While they often act on behalf of mortals, the orishas sometimes work against humans and cause problems for them.

How did Obatala come up with the Yoruba religion?

One day, after drinking a bit of palm wine, Obatala got bored and lonely and fashioned creatures out of clay, many of which were flawed and imperfect. In his drunken stupor, he called out to Olorun to breathe life into the figures, and thus mankind was created.