What is meant by Airheaded?

noun. Slang. a scatterbrained, stupid, or simple-minded person; dolt: Even though she’s crazy about surfing, she’s not the bikini-babe airhead you might think.

Is Airheaded a word?

An airhead is a silly, foolish person.

What’s another word for airhead?

What is another word for airhead?

idiot imbecile
dolt dullard
simpleton doofus
dork moron
oaf dunce

What does it mean to be stubborn?

1a(1) : unreasonably or perversely unyielding : mulish. (2) : justifiably unyielding : resolute. b : suggestive or typical of a strong stubborn nature a stubborn jaw. 2 : performed or carried on in an unyielding, obstinate, or persistent manner stubborn effort. 3 : difficult to handle, manage, or treat a stubborn cold.

What is airhead mystery flavor?

Because you never know what you’ll get! In fact, the mystery flavor is just a big bar of regular taffy without the color added. The flavor comes from whatever artificial flavor is left over at the end of a production run, so you might get Watermelon, but you might also get a mix of Blue Raspberry and Cherry.

How do you use airhead in a sentence?

1) She’s such an airhead. 2) Is she a grasping airhead or a complete naif? 3) I’m not a complete airhead. 4) There’s a lot more to Jefferson Airhead than rent-a-baggy camp followers.

What is a laidback?

If you describe someone as laid-back, you mean that they behave in a calm relaxed way as if nothing will ever worry them. [informal] Everyone here has a really laid-back attitude. Synonyms: relaxed, calm, casual, together [slang] More Synonyms of laid-back.

What’s the opposite of airhead?

What is the opposite of airhead?

brain genius
sage braniac
wiseacre being
entity handyman
smart aleck intellect

Can being stubborn be a good thing?

Stubborn people are not always strong-headed in their effort to control others, but in their knowingness of what is better for them or the situation. Unless it’s a pure act to rebel or hurt the other person, doing what you know is best for yourself isn’t a bad thing. In fact, it can be a very healthy act.

Why do they call them Airheads?

2. AIRHEADS. According to Steve Bruner, who invented the name, he had heard that it takes a generation for a candy name to become part of the collective consciousness—unless it was already a commonly used word.

Do Airheads have pork in them?

For our products that contain it, we use a non-specific gelatin. It can be pork, beef, or even fish.

What does air headed mean?

[1975–80] air′head`ed, adj. 1. A designated area in a hostile or threatened territory which, when seized and held, ensures the continuous air landing of troops and materiel and provides the maneuver space necessary for projected operations. Normally it is the area seized in the assault phase of an airborne operation.

What does the name airhead mean?

Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word airhead. An airhead is a designated area in a hostile or threatened territory which, when seized and held, allows the air landing of further teams and material via an airbridge, and provides the maneuver and preparation space necessary for projected operations.

What is an airhead person?

Definition of airhead. airhead. noun. an unintelligent person; “dimwit”. Contains strong connotations of obliviousness or forgetfulness. Origin: term implies the person’s head contains nothing but air. He’s confused again.