What is liquid glycerin soap?

Our Liquid Glycerin Soap Base is odor-free and crystal clear. It provides excellent lather and can be used as a liquid hand soap, base for foamers, body wash or bubble bath. Glycerin is a humectant that absorbs water from the air, resulting in a base that hydrates and feels great.

Can you make soap with liquid glycerin?

Glycerin is water-soluble and clear in color. Liquid glycerin is available at your local food store, but you can’t just open the bottle and use the liquid as soap. You can use liquid glycerin to make your own bar of glycerin soap, though.

Is soap base the same as glycerin?

There are two answers. Technically, all true soap (as defined by the FDA) is glycerin soap, since glycerin is a natural by-product of saponification. A sugar-alcohol solution is added to the saponified mixture along with extra glycerin.

Is glycerin a melt and pour soap base?

Soap bases are basically your raw material that comes in a block. All melt and pour soap bases contain lye, water, glycerin, and oil.

How do you make glycerin soap base?


  1. 14 oz vegetable oil (lard, tallow, or other oil)
  2. 5.5 oz coconut oil.
  3. 8 oz castor oil.
  4. 3/4 oz safflower oil (or sunflower oil)
  5. 4 oz lye (100% sodium hydroxide)
  6. 5 oz filtered water (or distilled)

How much glycerin is in liquid soap?

All of our melt and pour range of soap bases contain glycerin, typically at around 15-25%. Where oils are used in our soap making process, around 5% of the total glycerin content is a natural by-product of saponification.

How do you thicken liquid soap with glycerin?

For easier dispersion, mix gums with glycerin to avoid fish eyes. Then mix this slurry (gun+glycerin) into your water. Another way you can also thicken your liquid soap is by using a simple ingredient found in your kitchen – table salt. Add 20g of salt into 80g of warm water and let the soap thicken over an hour.

How can I make glycerin at home?

Take a saucepan, add one cup of coconut oil and olive oil in it. Keep it on low flame and gradually add 1 tsp lye and 1 cup water. Heat the mixture for 15 minutes and keep stirring till the mixture thickens. As tracing reflects in the pan, add 1/2 cup salt and allow the mixture to cool.

How long does it take for glycerin soap to harden?

4-6 hours
Ideally, 4-6 hours will be enough for the soap in the molds to harden enough to be removed. If not, the molds can be placed in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes to facilitate the hardening process, though this should be avoided if possible. Once unmolded, the soap bars will be ready to use.

How do you make liquid soap base?

To make the solution, mix 0.5 ounces of plain table salt with 1.5 ounces of warm distilled water. Stir until the salt is fully dissolved. Pour your soap base into a mixing container. Add 1 mL of salt water and stir to combine.

What is the thickening agent in liquid soap?

Making soap requires several stages and one of them is to thicken the soap. Here’s how to do it. Xanthan gum is a plant-based thickening agent while guar gum is a thickener in cosmetic formulations. Add ½ teaspoon of xanthan gum to ¼ cup of room temperature distilled water.

What are the types of soap bases?

There are two basic types of MAP base soap: clear and white, or opaque. From there, it’s a matter of formulations. Clear Glycerin (usually a non-suspension base) Clear glycerin is an excellent choice when embedding things in soap and when you want the clearest possible finished product.

What is natural melt and pour soap base?

Stephenson Natural Melt & Pour Soap base has great foaming & lathering ability, is glycerin rich, naturally translucent, and has a relative high pH of 8.5. It’s vegetable based and compatible with most fragrances. Glycerin , a natural emollient, draws moisture out of the air to benefit skin health.

How do you melt glycerin?

Place the pots on a burner over medium heat. Put the glycerin chunks into the dry, smaller pot and allow them to melt. You can also melt the glycerin in the microwave. Place the chunks in a microwave safe bowl and heat them in 30 second increments until they are entirely melted.

What are soap bases?

Essentially, Soap Base is pre-made plain soap ready to be melted and poured. (Remember the article about What is soap?) Soap Base is created by combining fat (such as tallow , oils, etc.) with a strong alkaline solution (like lye ). This leads to a chemical reaction called saponification. That’s the base.